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Taehyung leaned against the frame of his car, biting the knuckle of his index finger as he drove with one hand. The car stopped in front of Lisa's building, and Taehyung quickly got out of it and started running inside.

He clicked on the floor once he got inside the elevator and waited for a few minutes before steering out to reach the door of Lisa's apartment and ringing the doorbell urgently.

"Where's Jungkook?" Taehyung asked once the door swung open, revealing the raven-haired girl with a blank face. "He's inside with the other five and Jennie." Lisa deadpanned, opening the door wider.

Taehyung nodded, storming inside, and Lisa closed the door before following him from behind. The two rushed to the bedroom.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung squeaked out, avoiding everyone in the room, and literally yeeted himself onto his husband and hovered on top of him, kissing his cheeks, nose, forehead, and lips. "I was so worried for you, Diamond." Taehyung croaked out, tightly pressing himself against the boy beneath him.

"Get off me." Jungkook's deep and serious voice reached his ears, catching Taehyung off guard, and he was taken aback by the tears that molded into the corner of his sweetheart's eyes.

"Doll, what's wrong?" Taehyung panicked, cupping Jungkook's cheeks and straddling the younger man's thighs. The peach-haired boy cried harder, pushing Taehyung off him, and breathed heavily.

"Where the fuck is the ring that you and I bought for us in Chicago?" Jungkook sniffed it out, pointing at Taehyung's empty fourth finger.

Taehyung pursed his lips and glanced at his finger as well. "Uh, I think I left it home. I don't exactly know." Taehyung answered quickly, and Jungkook gave him a blank look.

"You're lying again!" Jungkook broke into tears, taking the ring off his finger and plopping it into Taehyung's palm. "Here it is! Now be honest, at least for once, for fuck's sake!" Jungkook choked the words out, taking his own ring off and placing it with the one he had handed Taehyung already.

Taehyung peered at the two rings in his hand and then swirled his head around and looked at the seven boys and girls sprawled across different corners of the room. Taehyung then narrowed an eyebrow, his gaze landing on Lisa, who sighed as Taehyung put the two rings into his pocket.

"Jungkook found the ring in the hospital before we did," Lisa answered, crossing her arms together and leaning against the door frame with a doomed look meandering her face.

"Um, and that's why we decided to explain to Jungkook the whole thing because he needed answers.. he deserved the answers—why his husband was in the place where Ky got killed and what was happening all along." Jennie's words stumbled in fear, looking down at her feet.

"Did I give you permission to do that? Because I can't remember it at all." Taehyung's voice was deep and calm, yet dangerous at the same time. Jennie shook her head instantly. "Why did you do that, then?" Taehyung continued to ask, and Jennie was deeply sucked into the air, unable to come up with any sort of answer.

"She doesn't need your permission to tell Jungkook how you've been betraying him once again." Yoongi snapped, gritting his teeth together, and he felt like his blood was boiling when Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"Shut it and be grateful. I didn't save you five back there for you to snap at me now." Taehyung said, pulling his gun out and shooting at the floor. "I want some personal time with Jungkook- that's why we both are taking our leaves, and I anticipate none of you will follow us to talk as well. This is between me and my husband and has no correlation with any of you." Taehyung declared, picking Jungkook up in bridal style. The gun was still in his hand, so that was enough for everyone to stay quiet and still in their spots.

"The fuck, let me go, you psycho!" Jungkook struggled, pushing Taehyung away by his chest, and then groaned when Taehyung squeezed him tightly, making his way out of the room.

"Jungkook, stop struggling and hold me, or else you'll fall when I open the door." Taehyung snarked in a harsh voice, sounding pissed.

Jungkook fretted, and tears started to form in his eyes again. He gnawed his teeth furiously, wrapping one hand around Taehyung's neck while the other hand was on Taehyung's shoulder, gripping tightly on his loose white shirt.

"You fucking betrayed me, Taehyung, played with my feelings, and still expect me to talk to you nicely?!" Jungkook snapped as Taehyung swung the door of the apartment open and walked out.

"I'm not telling you to be nice- I'm telling you to take care of yourself at least," Taehyung grumbled, waiting for the elevator to arrive, and Jungkook started to throw a tantrum, wanting Taehyung to let him go.

"Whatever. Let me go, the fuck! I can walk by myself, dickhead." Jungkook gritted out, pushing Taehyung away, a grimace engraved on his beautiful details, and Taehyung dragged him inside the elevator and clicked on the last floor.

"Jungkook, just be quiet for a second. I'm not asking you much. We will talk once we're in the car. I don't want someone to hear our conversation." Taehyung snapped again and then exhaled out a deep breath, examining Jungkook's outlines.

He was beautiful as always, but perhaps he seemed more seductive while being angry. His bunny teeth crashed together, his eyes were dark, his eyebrows furrowed, and his nose scrunched up as he continued to spit fire about how much he hated Taehyung, how he was tired of being always deceived, and how he was scared of Taehyung.

Taehyung honestly found it tempting. Jungkook being angry was the second most beautiful thing Taehyung had laid his eyes on, following Jungkook being wrecked, breaking into tears, and how his nose and cheeks turned pink while crying and his doe eyes got bigger than they already were.

Taehyung realized they had already reached the floor. Taehyung walked out of the elevator, Jungkook gripping tightly on his shoulder and neck as they walked out of the building and reached the parking lot.

Taehyung opened the car door, placed Jungkook inside, and sat down beside him on the driver seat. He put on Jungkook's seatbelt and then put his own on after closing the door with a loud noise. Taken aback by how quiet Jungkook was being, Taehyung turned on the car and got it out of the parking lot.

"What's with you? You're being oddly silent." Taehyung asked, not bothering himself to look over Jungkook.

Jungkook stilled for a while, not answering at all, and that fussed Taehyung, making him tilt his head around and gape at Jungkook's calm features for a few seconds.

"I want a divorce."

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