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Jungkook fluttered his eyelashes open and then sat down on the bed with a small grunt, and his whole body was aching. He found himself in an unknown room, which made him frown and look around. He assumed it was Lisa's apartment since there were some pictures of her on the walls.

"So you finally woke up?" Lisa asked, entering the bedroom, and beside her, there was Jennie, holding a tray with some food and drink. "You've been unconscious for, like, four hours more than those friends of yours who went outside." Lisa creaked, steering closer, and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" Jennie asked, putting the tray on the nightstand and looking at Jungkook with eyes filled with concern.

"Feel like dying..." Jungkook whispered, recalling the events that happened before he went unconscious, and he felt his eyes getting blurry because of them. "So, are you going to explain what's happening?" Jungkook's voice came out broken, and he lifted his head up and faced the two girls.

"That's why we're here, aren't we?" Jennie asked, and Jungkook nodded, feeling his heart being ripped apart into pieces.

"Taehyung lied to you all this time," Lisa said bluntly, not caring about formalities anymore. She changed positions and sat down more cozily.

Jungkook nodded pathetically, looking down at his lap, and tears rushed down, tumbling on the white blanket. "I should have known." Jungkook stammered, gripping tightly on the bedsheet.

"All of us lied to you, actually, to make you believe Taehyung has changed." Lisa continued, looking at her blankly, and leaned back. "All the employees except for you work for Taehyung, not like employees, but as members of Taehyung's mafia organization. We hid our monstrosity under the masks of innocent civilians who are working for a company, and that's it." Lisa concluded, then glanced at Jennie, waiting for her to continue.

Jungkook's stomach squeezed, and he felt dizzy, feeling stupid for believing Taehyung again. Jungkook snuffed, quietly sobbing to himself.

"Lisa never got kidnapped. The whole thing was an act to make you believe Taehyung has changed and how he cares for the people around him now as well." Jennie hissed, and Jungkook nodded, unable to stop his tears.

"Ryan lied to you too. I don't know why, though. He doesn't have any feelings for me, and he isn't our boss either- ew, he's gross anyway. However, he has the duty to take care of stuff—useless ones that Taehyung didn't care about at all, and that's why he likes to be called our leader instead." Jennie continued, her heart panging at the sight of how broken Jungkook seemed right now.

"However, Taehyung is fine if the other minions that are too useless to work here—or at least pretend to work—call Ryan by it. And I think that was why he was able to make you believe he indeed was the leader." Jennie concluded and breathed softly.

"So you're telling me there's this mafia that does organs and human trafficking, and... and Taehyung is the leader of it?" Jungkook asked, tilting his head at Jennie, and Jennie nodded.

"This is worse!" Jungkook broke into louder sobs and buried his face in his palms. "He turned worse than what he used to be before." Jungkook sobbed out between loud sobs, his whole body shaking.

"I mean, yeah, pretty much," Jennie remarked hastily, and Lisa sighed. "And, yeah. He was the one that killed Ky too. And many more people. And that night, he took his ring off since he didn't want to get it dirty and then bumped into you and ended up dropping it." Lisa continued, standing up.

"Taehyung went to your house and then shot Ky, but that thing survived, so Taehyung and I went to that hospital that night, yeah. You know what happened next." Lisa concluded and then walked out of the room.

"Why did Ryan lie to me then as well?" Jungkook sniffed, feeling betrayed by Taehyung all over. Jungkook shouldn't have trusted or fallen for his lies, but here he was, getting his heart broken by Taehyung once again.

Soon enough, his five friends marched into the room and embraced him. Jungkook felt Jimin's warmth over him, and he hugged him back. Jungkook closed his eyes, loving the warmth of his dear friends all over him.

"It happened. Again." Jungkook sobbed in a shaky voice, and his eyes squeezed shut together, letting his tears out. "Pathetic of me for loving him once again," Jungkook muttered, breathing heavily.

The boys stayed quiet, hugging each other all messily, giving Jungkook their warmth. Jin kissed Jungkook's head.

"It's okay... We're here for you." Jin muttered softly, and Jungkook hummed when Namjoon brushed his tears away.

"It should have been your husband, providing you comfort during your hard time, but here we are- your husband is the reason behind all of your problems," Hoseok murmured, rubbing Jungkook's back in a soothing manner.

Jungkook nodded weakly and then inhaled a deep breath. "That's it. I want a divorce." 

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