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Jungkook's heart pounded loudly, accompanied by a throbbing headache. Despite the clock striking midnight, sleep eluded him. In an attempt to rest his exhausted body, Jungkook closed his eyes but found it impossible.

The underlying reason for his sleeplessness was an unsettling one — he was aware of a psychopath lurking out there, who not only desired to possess him but also had detailed knowledge of his whereabouts and personal life.

This knowledge kept Jungkook on edge, always expecting something untoward to happen at any given moment. His frustration heightened as he noticed that Ky, on the other hand, peacefully snored away.

Annoyed by his peaceful slumber and racked with contemplation about his life choices, Jungkook couldn't entirely hold Ky responsible. Unlike him, Ky worked as a cashier, constantly subjected to obnoxious and intrusive clients that fried his brain with their incessant noise.

Furthermore, Ky had intentionally rearranged his schedule and woke up early to be with Jungkook during his interview. Despite the circumstances, Jungkook couldn't help but appreciate Ky's support and sacrifice.

Jungkook let out a deep breath, pulling the blankets closer around him, and blinked his eyes open. However, all he saw was the dimly lit ceiling, illuminated by the faint moonlight; it wasn't exactly dark. Jungkook realized he wasn't sleepy at all and had no desire to sleep.

The fear of an unforeseen intruder appearing while they were vulnerable in bed and harming them both was constantly on Jungkook's mind.

Suddenly, Jungkook's worst thoughts seemed to materialize as the sound of footsteps reached his ears. Anxious and wide-eyed, he quickly sat up, his gaze fixed on the closed door.

"Ky," Jungkook whispered urgently, shaking his boyfriend's body, "Wake up! Someone is in the house. I can hear their footsteps." His voice grew louder with each word, and he began to shake Ky's body more forcefully.

Ky blinked his eyes open, his expression still blurred with sleepiness. "What? Where?" He asked, oblivious to the noises that had alarmed Jungkook.

Now both Jungkook and Ky were overwhelmed by the absence of any sounds, further intensifying their anxiety.

"Are you certain that you weren't experiencing hallucinations?" Ky queried groggily, to which Jungkook replied by shaking his head. "No, I'm not. I-I'm positive I heard them. W-what..." Jungkook murmured softly.

Ky regarded him with a comforting gaze and suggested- "We could go and investigate if someone is actually present or not," -while switching on the lamp next to the bed to get a clearer view of his partner.

Jungkook's eyes widened. "Are you out of your mind? What? No, Ky, it's extremely perilous!" Jungkook retorted, and Ky concurred. "It remains hazardous regardless of whether we choose to investigate or not. What if it's a thief or something of that nature?" Ky responded with a gentle tone.

Jungkook shook his head. "No, no. It's him—I-I am certain of that. It must be him," Jungkook uttered, struggling to suppress the tears welling in his eyes.

Ky emitted a comforting hum, enveloping Jungkook in a tight embrace, and both of them flinched as they heard approaching footsteps.

"Disregard that idea. Let's find another way to escape from here, perhaps through the window and then run away," Ky suggested cautiously, causing Jungkook to feel a sense of fear.

"Ky, we can't jump out of the window since we don't live on the ground floor. It would surely result in serious injury, and there is no guarantee of a safe landing without any trees or other support," Jungkook explained anxiously.

Worry and panic filled Ky's voice as he spoke- "But the sound of footsteps is growing louder. What should we do now?"

Overwhelmed by fear, Jungkook began to cry, questioning, "If I offer myself to him, will everything be okay? Perhaps that's the best way to protect you...?" He struggled to think clearly as tears streamed down his face. "By sacrificing myself, he won't hurt you. It's the best option for both of us," Jungkook whimpered, burying his face in his hands and desperately trying to stifle his sobs.

Shocked and vehemently opposed to Jungkook's suggestion, Ky snapped back, wiping away his own tears with his forearm. "No way! Why would you subject yourself to such a fate just to ensure my safety? Don't be absurd, Jungkook. I would rather face death than let you suffer for my sake!"

"Do you realize that even if you die, he will still choose me? We are trapped and the only way to escape is if I am with him-" Jungkook retorted sharply, rising from the bed and moving toward the bedroom door. However, Ky caught hold of his arm, pleading with desperation.

"Please, Jungkook, can we find a solution to this predicament? I don't want to lose you," Ky cried desperately, tugging at Jungkook's heartstrings.

Both boys remained locked in a tearful gaze for a few moments, realizing that the footsteps had ceased.

"Has he already left?"

"I'm not sure."

"Let's check."

Quietly, the two boys cautiously peered out of the room, discovering an empty corridor. Trembling, they ventured out, making their way downstairs, attempting to minimize any noise, while scanning each room they passed.


Jungkook exhaled with relief, grateful that their presence had dissipated, and then turned around to face Ky.

"Thank goodness he's not here," Ky commented, then furrowed his brows upon seeing Jungkook's shocked expression with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

"What's the matter, Koo- what in the world-" Ky's eyes widened as he felt a cloth forcefully pressed against his mouth, causing him to resist.

Jungkook remained frozen in place, unable to process the situation unfolding before him. Everything was happening too rapidly, and the feeling was overwhelming. Jungkook recoiled when he noticed Ky had ceased struggling, his body motionless.

"You possess a captivating beauty when you're paralyzed, my Diamond."

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