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I never knew how unlucky I am until today

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I never knew how unlucky I am until today.

Just when I thought this 'real-nightmare' has to come to an end, I receive a call--a call that shatters my wounded my heart.

My father suffered a car accident.

The man on the phone who introduced himself as a police officer informed me that there has been a car collision and one of the victim was identified as James Castillo, my father.

My heart ceased for seconds when I heard that.

After he spoke with Clara who thought that I went missing, my dad decided to look for me. He was on his way to the house party when his car collided with another.

We are on our way to the hospital where my dad has been taken and I am a crying mess. I haven't stop crying since after the call.

Clara is doing her best to calm me and holding up herself because she's driving.

Please God, let my dad be okay. He's all that I have. I pray as we go to the hospital.

Why is this happening to me?, what did I do?

Once we arrive at the hospital, I open the door and run inside. I run as fast as I could, ignoring the ache between my legs and the looks from the few people who are here. I need to see my father

"Where is he?" I ask the very first doctor I see. He looks confused at me as I grab his white coat "My father, Castil-James C-Catillo". I stammer out of fear and panic that is consuming me.

The doctor's features soften and gently remove my hands that were fisting his coat. "Miss Castillo please calm down"

"No I have to see him" I insist crying. "I need to see him". My shaking voice is barely a whisper.

" Where-how is he?"

The doctor gives me a sympathetic look and what he says next crumbles my world.

"I'm sorry Miss Castillo, your father didn't make it"

I freeze

Clara gasps behind me.

What did he just say?

"Your father suffered a major internal bleeding as he was injured badly. We tried to save him but he passed away during the early stages of surgery".

The doctor explains but I don't hear or understand anything because my mind is not functioning.

My father is dead, that can't be happening.

"You are lying" That's the very first sentence that comes out my mouth.

"That's.. that's not true" I shake my head in denial, fresh tears welling up in my eyes.

"You are a liar, where's my father?" Angry, I look up at the doctor who's staring at me with pity.

" Skylar.." Clara calls me but I cut her off

"No, don't believe them Clara" I say turning to her  "my dad-"   I choke   "is not dead"


"I'm sorry for your lo..." I don't let him finish as I barge into the ICU room where my father is.

When I see a body covered in a white sheet I run and yank the sheet off the body.

A cry escape my lips.

There on the hospital bed, lies my father... my dead father.

His face is white, his eyes are closed, he is not breathing, he is not moving.

"Dad" I call him


"Dad please wake up" My voice cracks.


"Dad come on" I place my trembling hands on his body and shake him "please wake up"

Still, silence.

"You can't leave me dad-you just can't" I cry loudly, shaking his body " you-" I choke a sob "You promised you wouldn't leave" .Heavy tears are streaming down my face falling to the body of my father.

Pain, that's all am feeling.

Why, why did it all had to happen today?

Today was supposed to be my happiest day. I graduated today--I just had my degree. We were supposed to celebrate, me, my father and Clara.

This wasn't supposed to happen today, none of this. I wasn't supposed to be ra... I wasn't supposed to be here, holding the body of my dead father.

It was a graduation day not a funeral--my father's funeral.

" What-how am I gonna live without you" I ask  but I got no response from him. He won't be able to hear me, he won't be able to answer me because he's gone. Forever.

How could these things happen in just a day. My father was healthy and alive just today. He was laughing and cheering for me, just today. We celebrated, hugged and cried together. He was happy, we all were, just today.

Then how could things change this drastically?. Is this a thing they say about happiness?--that it could vanish in a blink of an eye? 

How am I gonna live without my father?. it has always been me and him, just us. what am I gonna do now?

It hurts

It hurts so much.

The pain that I felt when Adrian forced himself on me is nothing compare to this. This is alot, this is beyond pain and I can't explain how I feel.

My father, my only family is gone.

I cry in pain and agony, Heavens know that I cried a lot today

There will never be a day that I'll cry this. I cry  a lot that I feel my body is drained out of energy and Clara comes to hold me.

My throat hurts, my chest tightens and am having a hard time to breath. My head is spinning where as my legs start to give out--like all strengths are being sucked from my bones.

"Skylar" I hear Clara's distress voice.

" Help!" She yells when she sees me collapsing. " Skylar please stay with me" She cradles my face between her palms, shaking me slightly so I wouldn't fall unconscious.

"Help us please" She's holding me, her own eyes glistening with tears.

My eyes become heavy and slowly, blackness start to swallow my vision. I welcome the sensation easily and I see Clara's worried face and a group of doctors before I cave into unconsciousness.

My new home embraces me. Darkness


How are you my babies,
So another update today
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