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"Clara I think I look

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"Clara I think I look..."

"Nope" she cuts me off "you look just fine baby girl" she's spraying the vanilla perfume on my neck.

I sigh looking myself in the full length mirror. Just like I said, I'm practically naked. The dress reaches my midthighs and the loose V-shaped neck does nothing to hide my cleavage.

The make up that Clara applied on me, makes me look totally like a different person-not gonna lie, I look beautiful. I would have been pleased if weren't for the dress that makes me feel very uncomfortable. I'm also wearing the same red stilettos

"And how I do I look?" Clara asks spinning around. She looks not so bad herself.
Her light green satin dress with V-shaped and spaghetti straps just like mine. But because of her petite figure the dress reach just above her knees. Her wavy brown hair matches her brown eyes and she's few inches taller than me.

"Splendid" I answer her

"Yeah bitch" She says and we burst out laughing.

"Wow kids" Dad says when he sees us.

"Wow indeed" Says Clara.

"Okay back to business-" his protective mode is on "I want you all here before midnight or else am gonna blow up your phones and drive there myself to look for you and bring you back home ". He tell us with a serious face and we nod.

Okay I might be a grown up but my dad always treats me like a little girl. I'll always be his little girl I guess.

"And please be careful, the world is full of psychos and bad people"- and there is his favorite line 'the world is full of psychos and bad people'. He likes to say that

"Okay go have fun but not too much fun"

"Yeah dad"

"Bye now"

We turn to leave and almost made it to the door but then something compels me and I go to hug my dad.

"Love you dad" I mumble against his chest

"Love you baby girl" he says patting my head

"I would have come to hug you but I don't wanna ruin my make up" Clara says playful and we all laugh. Then we leave.

I regret coming here.

The house party is loaded. I hate everything about this place.

The smell of sweat, alcohol and sex mingled in the air.
Don't get me started with the loud music that fills my ears.

What did I get myself into?

" Let's find a place to sit" Clara yells over the loud music. I huff but follow her nonetheless. I wanna finish this quick so I can leave.

I don't know why but I've been pessimistic the moment we step in here, like something bad is going to happen.

Maybe am being paranoid, what could possibly happen?
I hope am wrong, nothing bad is going to happen.

Or so I thought.

I want to leave

We have been here for three hours, three freaking hours and I feel like I've had enough. Serious I don't know what am doing here--I don't dance and I don't drink either. Am just staring at people and now am bored. Am never doing this again

"I had fun" Clara comes to me, panting. She was on the dance floor. Unlike me, Clara enjoys dancing and so she did today.

She tried to drag me to dance with her but I refuse, of course I didn't stop her. Just because I don't dance doesn't mean that she shouldn't-she loves to dance so I let her be.

"Where's your drink?" She asks and I shrug. I've finished my second glass of coke, am not getting another one.

"I'm going to get us some drinks"

I want to tell her that I don't need but she's already on her way-then she's back " Don't move your butts" she yells and head back to get us some drinks.

I shake my head, you would think she's drunk but nope she's just a little tipsy.

Half an hour later and Clara is not back. I try to look around from where I am but I don't see Clara or any sign of her. Where is she?

I'm calling her but she's not answering. Am restless now. I know she told me not to move but I can't-I've been sitting here for hours already.

I'm going to look for her and when I see her we'll go straight home.

Except I don't see her.

I've been looking everywhere but she's nowhere to be seen. Where could she be?.
She wouldn't just leave without telling me. I even went outside and see her car is still in the parking lot.

I've called her five times, I send her texts asking her whereabouts or if she's okay but I got no replies. My mind is on alert now. Clara, I hope you are okay

I'm heading back inside, maybe I'll see her there and when I don't I decide to look through the house. Where do I start-the house is freaking huge.

I'm wandering through the corridors, the heels are killing me so I take them off and hold them.

I'm opening one door after another. Most rooms are 'occupied'. I make my way to the very end of the corridor and I see one room, typically isolated.

I open the room and see no one is here. Something about the room piques my curiosity and without thinking, I enter and close the door behind me.

Looking around everything is neat arranged, everything looks untouched, everything looks expensive.

Almost everything in the room is black and gold except the white duvet that rests on the kingsized bed. I move closer and I see a nightstand with few things and photos on it.

There's are photos of a toddler who oddly looks familiar-green eyes, blond. Then my eyes land on a photo that makes my eyes widen in realization.

It's a photo of him with his two friends

Holy God

Don't tell me that this is his house and this room is probably his. I should leave before he comes and see me here, its lucky that he is not here. Hastily, I turn to leave.

"Look what we have here"

I squeeze my eyes before opening them, lucky my foot

Before me is Adrian.

"pretty little thing" and he's drunk

This is not good, definately not good.

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love you all so much.

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