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Weeks have passed since the last time I saw Adrian and I'm still thinking about him, a lot

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Weeks have passed since the last time I saw Adrian and I'm still thinking about him, a lot. To make the matter worse I now have dreams about him, wet dreams precisely.

like there was this day that I dreamed of the 'incident' in the library, except in my dream the girl was me!. Great

One week to our final exams and I've never seen our campus this busy. Almost  everyone is preparing for the exams and the graduation ceremony.

Even Adrian Harrington is in library now, seriously immersed in his books and trust me I rarely see the guy study.
He seems so focused as his eyes alternates between his laptop and books.

And I....well I can't stop staring at him. Call me crazy but he looks so sexy now, his huge square glasses on the bridge of his nose, his blonde hair dishevelled like  he's ran his hand through it, his brows slightly furrowed making him looks so so...

"...our thesis" Clara's voice snap me back to reality

" Huh?" I blink, not catching what she said and she rolls her eyes.

"I asked, when are we collecting our thesis"

"Aah" I clear my throat "after the exams I think"

"Okay...and can you stop drooling over Adrian" she says and giggle

"What....am not drooling" I weakly defend myself

"Hell yes you are" she lets out amused chuckle.

"Shut up" I say trying myself not to laugh. Well I think am that obvious but can you blame, if I can't have him at least I can enjoy him from afar.

I go back to study and half an hour later I unconsciously throw a glance in his spot, again, creepy right?

I know

I can't help it though, I just like seeing him, I get butterflies whenever I see him walking, talking, laughing, literally everything he does makes me flutter. So yeah I look again but this time his seat is empty.

When did he leave!

His books and stuff are still there so he hasn't left. Maybe he went to get some books, I assume.

No he didn't, because like twenty minutes later I see him coming from the same section that I saw him making out with a girl.

He's bit sweaty and his hair looks even untidy. A girl--not the one I saw him with the other day, is a good distance behind him. She looks flushed, her lips swollen and there are few hickeys on her neck.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out what they were doing. And this makes my heart stings.

I don't know what's wrong with me.

He's Adrian Harrington for God's sake. Cocky and narcissist, he would never change. What did I expect from him?

And why am I like this, he's not my boyfriend--hell, he doesn't even know me. It's Just me and my stupid feelings.

I sigh and return my attention back to my books. I have bigger fish to fry. I should focus on my studies instead of a man who's never going to be mine.


After our studying session in library we decide to go and grab some lunch, well supper because it is past noon.

"Am starving" Clara complains.

"Yaah me too" I say taking our seats, we've already bought our food.

"Ooh yeah?, and whose fault is that"

" Come on, we couldn't just leave before finishing that topic"

When we were in the library Clara kept complaining that she was hungry and I told her we'll leave after we are done studying. So here we are eating supper because we spent the whole afternoon studying.

" Whatever" she says taking a sip of her strawberry juice.

We are eating and chatting and suddenly we hear commotion outside the cafeteria. People are running to see what's happening outside.

" What's happening" I ask Clara, looking around.

" We are about to find out" She says, I didn't even see her get up.

"Clara wait" I run after my bestfriend. I don't wanna witness whatever is happening but guess I have no choice.

Screams and noises can be heard through the hall and everyone is running towards the commotion like they are eager to see whatever is happening.

" Clara slow down" I tell my bestfriend who's already in the middle of growing crowd.

When we make it to the scene what I see terrifies me.

It's Adrian.

He's mercilessly attacking another guy, cruely beating him. He's dripping sweat, little blood in his split lips and nose. His swollen and red knuckles repeatedly throwing punch after punch over his victim face.

I've never thought I would witness something like this.

Adrian is like a wild animal now. The fury and aggression is like that of an angry bull. He doesn't seem to care the audience which surround him to watch the scene he's making.

People are screaming, yelling, begging him to stop. But the yellings and the beggings does nothing to stop Adrian from ruining his victim. It's like he lost control, only rage and fury consuming him.

He was aiming for pain, suffering or worse death to his victim.

Seeing him like this, I felt nothing but pure fear.

Nothing could stop him, no one could. Not even his friends could stop him until the security guards came and wrapped their strong arms and struggle to pull him away.

I don't know when the policemen arrived, but they are holding him, dragging him away. When my eyes land to him, I see the pure rage and fury.

Despite the fight, his beautiful face is perfectly fine. Other than his split lips he had no other bruise. You could tell from his perfect face that his victim was not lucky enough to land a punch to him.

Speaking of his victim, paramedics are now attending him. Carrying him and put him on the hammock.

As I take a look of Adrian's victim, my hand fly to my mouth.

He's unrecognizable. His face is swollen, covered with blood. He's got broken nose,  swollen eyes and he's coughing blood.

Jesus Christ!

"What was that" I whisper, shocked.

"That was Adrian" she states, matter of factly.

"They call him the devil for a reason, let's go" Clara says and take my hand.

That was a nightmare


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               is in Adrian Pov😉.   

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