When I See You Again

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I dedicate this chapter to xxmegster6290xx. To when I see you again. <3

Jack J's P.O.V.

I woke up to my alarm going off. I have to talk to Matt about something. I got dress and put on one of my snapbacks. I walked out of mine and Gilinsky room. I went to Matt's and Carter's room. All of Magcon are planning something to surprise Cat and prove to her that I have changed. I knocked on their door. Matt open the door.

"Come in Jack," he said.

I walked in and sat on Matt's bed. The rest of the boys were already here.

"So what day should we fly to Virgina?" I asked.

"Tonight, so you guys get there and we have time to set everything up," Matt said.

"Okay, we all are going to escort her to different spots?" Jc asked.

"Yes, and then after you escort her go to where Jack J is," Matt said.

"Okay I think we have a plan," I said.

After we went through the plan and then we went our seperate ways.

Cat's P.O.V.

I woke up to my alarm going off. I got up and got in the shower. After my shower I got dressed. I put my hair in a french braid. I had on a gray tank top with a red and blue fannel. I had blue jeans on. I was wearing sneakers that have heels in the them. I was ready to leave. I grabbed my phone and started to text my mom. Right when I was about to start typing I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said.

The door open and Matt was there.

"Come on it's time to go," he said.

I nodded my head and grabbed my suitcase. We went down to the lobby and returned our room keys. I said goodbye to everyone. I gave Taylor ans Shawn big hugs. After we said our goodbyes, me and Matt went our seperate ways. We went to the airport and went home to Virgina

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