New York City

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Cat's P.O.V

I woke up to the alarm on my phone going off. I turned it off and went to the bathroom. I brushed my hair out and put it in a ponytail. My hair is pretty long. In a ponytail it goes to the middle of my back. I grabbed my black Magcon Boys sweatshirt and put on my hot pink leggings and my pink Jordan's.

After I got dress and brushes my teeth. I heard a knock on my door. I went to the door and opened it. Mm brother was outside.

"Can I talk to you?" he asked.

"I don't think that's a good idea because you will end up call me a slut," I said.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I was just mad that my baby sister kissed one of my best friends," he said.

"Don't worry about Jack and me. I told him to stay away from me, " I said.

"Am I forgiven?" he asked.

"Yes," I said.

He opened his arms. I gave him a big hug. After we let go I grabbed my stuff and we went to the van. We took the elevator. I went to the front desk and turned my room key in.

I went to the van. I sat next to Hayes and Aaron. They're pretty funny. When got to the airport we did every we do when you go to airport. After all of the usual stuff we got on the plane. I sat in a row with my brother and Carter. I had the window seat. After the flight atendent said what she needed to say I put my headphones in and fell asleep.

(1 hour later)

I was shaked. I open my eyes and saw that Carter was shaking me.

"What?" I asked.

"Time to get off the plane," he said.

I rubbed my eyes and grabbed my small backpack. We got our stuff from baggage claim. We got in another van a taken to our hotel. When we got to the hotel, we checked in and got our room keys. We went up to the floor that Ryan got just for Magcon. I went to my room and set my stuff down and layed on the bed.

In three days we will have our last event of our tour. I can't wait, so I don't have to deal with Jack J anymore. I got my phone out and check the time. It was 7 am.

I think I'll go explore New York City. I got out of my bed and went to my door. I went to the elevator. I pushed the first floor button. When I got to the first floor, I got a text from Matt asking me where I am. I texted back exploring New York City. He said okay be careful. I put my phone in my sweatshirt pocket. What will I see first in New York City?

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