Our last event

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Cat's P.O.V

I was in my playing some chords trying to think of a song to write. I some times think of song. I had the verse 1 done. just need a chorus.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said.

The door open to see my brother Matt. He closed it and came and sat on my bed.

"Hey can I tell you something?" he asked.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry for calling you a stupid bitch, I was just mad that my little sister got Jack Johnson to change for her," he said.

"It's okay, and you don't have to worry anymore because I yelled at him and told him to stay away from me," I said.

"I love you baby sister," he said. 

"I love you too big brother," I said.

He gave me a hug and I hugged him back. Matt got up and left my room. I started to play my gutiar when, I heard another knock on my door. 

"Come in," I said.

The door open and Taylor came in. He sat on my bed near me.

"Hey are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I told my brother what happen between me and Jack J," I said.

"I heard the yelling yesterday, I sorry for what happen," he said.

"Don't be," I said. 

He nodded. He got up and opened his arms . I got off my bed and wrapped my arms around his neck. Taylor wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up. I smile. He put me down. We let go of eachother. He handed me an bandana.

"What this for?" I asked.

"All of us are wear them even our fans," he said.

 I nodded and he left my room. I gave my phone. I went on twitter and tweeted:

littleespinosa: he guys if going to Magcon event tonight don't forget  to wear your bandanas.

I put my phone on my nightstand and got ready. Taylor gave me a black bandana so, I change into my pink tank top that says rocker. I put on my black legging that have backpockets. I put on my pink Jordan's. I keeped my hair wavy. I put the black bandana on like Taylor wears them. I was ready. I grabbed my phone and put it in my back pocket. I was ready. I went to Nash's and Cam's room to talk to them. I knocked on the. Cam open the door. He was shirtless. I tried so hard not to look at his abs. 

"Hey Cat," he said.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

He nodded and open the door so I could come in. I went in and sat on Nash's bed. 

"You look cute in your outfit," Nash said.

He was wearing some jeans with an blue long sleeve and dark bandana on his head.

"Thanks, you look cute too," I said.

"Thank you," Nash said.

"So what's up Cat?" Cam asked.

"Did you hear what happen yesterday?" I asked.

"Yeah we both did," Nash said.

Cam was getting dress. He had on some camo jeans on like in the movie he played called Expelled. ;-)

Then he put on a black tank top. He had a camo bandana. He put on some high tops. I notice that Nash was wearing blue converse.

"I was really pissed off at him and I still am," I said.

"You have every right to be mad at him. He fucked up," Nash said.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in," Cam said.

The door opened and relieved my brother. He looked cute in his outfit. Matt was wearing a green bandana, green tanked top, black jeans and green converse.

"We need to go," Matt said.

I got off of Nash's bed and followed my brother down to the van. When we got down to the van. I looked a everyone of the boys. Every body seem to match their bandanas. We all got in the van. I was sitting next to my brother and Gilinsky. Gilinsky keep trying to convice me to talk to Jack J again. I ingored him.

We got to the place and I went to makeup. While I was sitting in the makeup, I notice Jack J. He was wearing a white bandana with a white tank top. He was wearing  some jeans and white Jordan's.

"Okay your done Cat," Barry said.

I got up and went next to Taylor. He put his arm around my shoulders and I put my arm around his waist.

"You ready to finish your first Magcon tour?" he asked.

I nodded. He let go of me and I let fo of him.

(Skip to the meet and greet.)

I was standing next my brother. I was taking a picture with this girl.

"I like your bandana," I said.

"Thank you , I like your bandana too," she said.

"Thank you," I said. 

She walked away and Taylor came up to me.

"Hey you can keep thay bandana," he said.

"Thanks Taylor," I said.

"I'm going to miss you," he said. 

"I'm going to miss you too," I said. 

We hugged. After an hour or so we left and went to the hotel. I packed my suitcase. I got in my pjs and went to bed.

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