Start from the beginning

From the far corner of my eyes I could see the Oracle staring right at me. I tried to swallow the lump in my throat and the anxiety that pinched at my skin from the look her eyes held. She looked at me inquisitively, like she was trying to use her eyes to poke right through me, through my soul. She gazed at me like she wanted to say something, something really important but she was restricted, something was stopping her from saying what she needed to. I pursed my lips, continuing my descent. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I walked over to her, a strained smile on my lips.

"Oracle" I greeted, curtsying.

She looked to be sizing me up before she nodded in acknowledgement, "Your Majesty" she finally answered after what seemed like forever. There was something chilling in the atmosphere, it made all the hairs at the back of my neck stand erect. "I see you've consummated your union with His Lordship" she observed, a familiar look in her eyes that I only registered as.. Satisfaction?

Immediately my cheeks flared up and I cleared my throat, gazing away "Pardon?" I ask, knowing she knew I heard her.

"It was about time the holders of the destiny of our nation became one with each other, physically" she spoke in riddles and all I could do was stare at her in astonishment and sheer confusion.

Her gaze left mine to stare beside me and when I followed her gaze I spotted Darius, looking absolutely immaculate in his dark emerald mantle. He had his luscious golden curls pulled securely into a man's bun. He looked so devilishly alluring it made me physically ache to think I would have to spend hours in the same carriage with him. We would be mere inches away from him and I doubt I would be able to control myself. It was torture, the best kind.

He walked up to us, a hand slipping around the curve of my waist. He leaned down, pressing a sweet kiss to the side of my head. As small as that display of affection it brought a swarm of butterflies flapping around in my stomach. I diverted my gaze, trying to focus anywhere other than his hard biceps that were so close to me.

'Inhale, exhale!' I tried to remind myself

"Oracle" his deep bellow effectively silenced any external noise, causing a rumble to trinkle down my spine and straight to my core.

'Seriously hormones?'

"Your Excellency" she bowed, a warmth spreading across her face as she watched the both of us.

I refused to look up and meet Darius's dark brooding gaze that seemed to be boring a hole into the side of my head.

"I wish you both a safe journey and I will be joining you later on" she informed and immediately I wondered why she would be coming along. Was she to teach me as well?

"Your Highness" she bowed to Darius and he nodded in acknowledgement. She turned to me, a knowing look crossing her eyes "Your Majesty, may the Goddess go with you"

She picked our hands, pressing a kiss to Darius's knuckles before doing same with mine and placing our hands together

"I bless your union and pray that our Beloved moon goddess will keep her fortunes shining on the two of you. No matter what comes your way you two will triumph over every evil" she exchanged wistful glances between the two of us before walking away.

I stared on as she continued to walk further until she wasn't within sight before I turned to Darius, a confused expression on my face.

"Do you know what that was about?" I ask, a frown etched on my brows.

"Not a clue" he shook his head in negation.
"The coach awaits my lady"

I grin like a stupid teen girl and loop my arm in his awaiting one. He walks us to the ready carriage, his hand reaching to open the door for me but then a loud feminine voice reaches my ears, making me stop and turn around.

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