Playboy {2} || PG10

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Wind whipped through the gaping hole in the back of the Ferrari and you shivered from the cold, curling your knees up to your chest as Pierre drove back to the city. You expected him to take you home but he pulled into a far nicer apartment block and spiralled down the ramp to the underground carpark.

Slipping out of the car and into the well-lit carpark you saw the full extent of the damage and shook your head at the new paint job that was needed. "I'm sorry," you murmured as you ran your fingers over the worst chips and dents.

A pair of hands came to rest on your hips and Pierre rested his chin on your shoulder as he looked at his car. "Don't worry about it, insurance will cover it."

"I was apologising to the car," you said with a smirk but the move only served to split the cut on your cheek and fresh blood welled to the surface as you winced. "Do you have a first aid kit I can borrow?"

Pierre laced his fingers with yours and nodded as he led the way to his apartment. The elevator ride was quiet and you felt the tension rising as you idly played with the thick ring on his thumb. Looking away from the jewellery, you realised it was a mistake as you met his eyes and knew the feeling wasn't one way, but the elevator was not the place to start what you had in mind.

"Don't look at me like that," Pierre all but groaned as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Like what?" you asked innocently, tilting your head to the side and peeking up through your lashes.

"Like I'm a playboy who will fuck you on the first date." There was a sinkhole in the ocean of his irises and it was stealing all the colour from them the longer that he looked at you. He reached out and hit the button for the 12th floor again as if it would magically make the ride go faster. "I'm trying to prove a point and you're making it hard."

"Is there a rooftop here?" you asked as you thought of a solution.

"Yeah, for maintenance I think. Why?"

"Take me there first," you urged and he frowned as he hit the button for the level above his. The elevator opened to a short hallway and you saw the stairs that led to a metal door so you tugged his hand and made your way outside, sticking a brick in the door to keep it from locking you out. "Lay down."

"You can be quite bossy," he chuckled but humoured you as he did as he was told, joining you on the cold concrete roof top. "What are we doing?"

"Stargazing," you said as you turned to him, propping your head up on your hand. "It seems like a reasonable second date."

"A second date already, hmm," he smirked as you sat up and leaned over him with a matching smile.

"I think that officially means you aren't a playboy." You dipped your head down and he met you halfway, his large hands grabbing your waist to pull you onto his lap as he sat up and kissed you.

"Very clever," he murmured against your lips, making you smile more.

"I've been known to have a few good ideas on occasion."

He chuckled as his hands roamed your body, brushing along the hem of your dress and edging it up. "Any others you can think of?"

"One or two," you breathed as his fingers slipped beneath the material. "But not here."

There was a new urgency as you rose on unsteady feet and Pierre's arm curled around your waist as if the distance to walk at your side was too far for his liking. After three quick presses of the elevator button and no instant result, he growled and you looked at the stairwell before kicking off your heels.

His laugh echoed off the concrete walls and he was quick to make chase as you raced ahead of him down the next floor where his keys were already in his hands and rushing to unlock the door. It crashed open as he turned and pulled you with him, your bodies sealing close together while your lips collided with a deep hunger.

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