You Came, You Called || LN4

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Summary: when strangers follow you from the nightclub there's only one person you want to call.
Warnings: angst, threatening behaviour, fluff
WC: 2.4K

Lando stirred at the sound of his phone ringing on the bedside table. There were few people who could get past the 'do not disturb' setting that came into effect after midnight. With bleary eyes he reached for the phone and cringed at the bright light in his face but the sight of your name chased away his exhaustion.

It had been 162 days since you last spoke to him. It had been 162 days since he had ruined everything. He regretted his foolishness for every single one of those days and his stomach flipped at the thought of hearing your voice.

"Hey," he answered, a flinch following as his voice cracked from lack of use while he slept. He quickly cleared it before trying again. "Hey."

"Hey, baby."

Alarm bells rang in his head and he sat up straight. Had you called the wrong man? That thought soured in his mouth.

"I'm on my way home."

It wasn't your unsteady voice he was focused on but the male voices that sounded far too close for his liking. "Aw, don't call your boyfriend. We only want to talk."

"Where are you?" Lando was already pulling on a pair of sweatpants and grabbing the first shirt he came across. "Are you okay?"

"No," you whispered with a tremble in your tone. " I miss you ."

"Tell me where you are, sweetheart. I'm on my way."

"Come on, gorgeous, it's just a bit of fun, " a man called out and Lando saw red when he heard you choke back a sob. He knew the sound because he had been the reason for it before, and it had haunted him ever since. "He doesn't have to know."

"I'm heading towards Chocolat Boutique, please hurry."

"I'm coming, sweetheart. I'm on my way." Lando was already racing down to the garage and jumping in his McLaren. The engine roared loudly in the underground space before he tore out onto the street. "Keep talking to me, okay?"

The small store would have closed hours ago, but it was down the street from Jimmyz nightclub which was where you probably had been. He didn't even know you were in town, and he didn't have a right to know your whereabouts anymore.

"I'm scared, Lan." The pain echoed around him as his phone connected to the car and played in surround sound.

"I know you are, but it's going to be okay. I'm almost there, I promise." He didn't care about speeding tickets or running red lights. He flew through the narrow streets as he was forced to listen to the cat calls.

"I didn't know who to call, " you admitted as you tried to walk faster but your heels hindered any escape. The three men were getting closer but they were in no hurry as they prowled both sides of the street to herd you along.

"You can always call me, love," Lando swore, taking the last turn fast enough for the tires to squeal in protest. "And I'll always answer."

He found you on the footpath clutching your phone to your ear, hand cupped over the microphone as you spoke to him. Fear had widened your eyes and your normal stature cowered under the gaze of the men behind you.

Twisting the steering wheel, Lando skidded to a halt beside you and threw the door open. You had seen him angry before, when races don't go his way, but this was beyond anger. Waves of rage rolled off him as you leapt into his arms, your trembling form finding itself molding perfectly back into his body. Two puzzle pieces slotting back together.

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