The Perfect Life || CL16 {2}

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Two Weeks Later

You were barely through the ornate arch that separated the foyer entrance from the dining room when a fist of razor sharp fingernails cut into your upper arm.

"Hi," you greeted your mother as she dragged you into the room lit by a gilded chandelier. You were late to the regular Friday night dinner but time had slipped away from you at Arthur's apartment. Charles had picked you up after flying in from Maranello and taken you to Monaco to finalise the plan after officially signing a contract his lawyers had drafted. The risk of exposure was too great to be an employee through his Ferrari team so everything had gone through his personal solicitor.

"Don't 'hi' me you ungrateful little-sweetheart, you didn't tell me you would be bringing a guest." Your mother's eyes widened as Charles stepped in behind you, his palm warming the small of your back. "I'll have one of the maids set a place for you, Charles."

You had coached Charles through the cutlery he could be expected to use, even in an informal setting such as a family dinner. The variations of forks would no doubt be a test that your mother would use to judge the latest guest. In return, he had posted cleverly taken photos throughout the week to 'soft launch' the relationship.

"Madame Florence told me that you missed your piano session this afternoon," your mother said sweetly, but her nails dug deeper into your skin.

"That was today? It must have slipped my mind, you know what a ditz I can be." Your aloof tone only set to anger her more but you knew she wouldn't lash out while Charles was around. She always had to maintain the perfect image, like how her bruising grip was hidden by the sleeve of your shirt.

"You play piano?" Charles asked as your mother turned on her stiletto heel and took her place beside your father at the head of the table.

"Not by choice," you muttered.

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them," you mother quoted Shakespear like the actress she had failed to become. "She might not be the first, but my daughter could achieve greatness if she applied herself and actually attended the lessons."

"That must be the nicest thing you have ever said," you commented as you took a seat opposite them. Charles pushed your chair in before taking his beside you where Alicia had placed a setting for him, an appetiser already waiting. "Charles is staying over so perhaps I can have some greatness thrust upon me tonight."

Your mother choked on her negroni and the oyster fork slipped from your father's hand, clattering to the fine china plate. Even Charles looked a little shocked but he quickly recovered.

"If that is alright with you of course, not the uh thrusting, but staying the night," he said after clearing his throat.

"This isn't a hotel," your father stated. "Or a brothel."

"Not sure about that since everything around here is completely fucked," you whispered to Charles and caught the hint of a smile before turning to the head of the table. "Father, Charles is my boyfriend - get used to having him around."

Charles' fingers laced with yours and he kissed your knuckles. "At least until you move in with me."

"Let's just take a step back," your father chuckled. "Boyfriend?"

You nodded and watched the amusement fade.

"You are dating the boy you spent weeks, months , crying over?" your mother asked with a laugh.

"Really?" Charles asked behind the napkin that he patted along his clammy upper lip.

"I was an emotional teenager, but I grew out of it - don't take it personally," you lied.

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