Dead Man Walking || LN4

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Pairing: Lando Norris x fem!reader
Summary: A night out with your best friend ends in her brother's bed. Based on the song Dead Man Walking by Jon Bellion
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, fingering smutish, fluff, angst

Summer Break

You were halfway into the strapless dress you had chosen for the night out when the door swung open and Lando stepped inside with a package in his hands.

"Flo, can you please stop ordering shit off my Amazo-"

You gasped as you dropped the material to cover your boobs but the thin satin just fluttered to your feet, baring even more to him. The lace thong did little to hide anything and his eyes drifted down over your body, down to the heels you wore and back up again before he realised he was checking you out.

The package fell from his hands and he covered his eyes as you both winced at the sound of something shattering inside. "I didn't see anything."

"You're a terrible liar, Norris," you stated as you swiped the dress up and covered yourself properly.

"I swear," he cleared his throat and peeked between his fingers to see you were dressed before his hands slipped into his pockets and he rocked on the balls of his feet with a smirk. "I absolutely did not see the cute little tattoo on your hip."

You turned around and closed your eyes so you didn't have to see the hungry look in his. He was your best friend's brother, you had known him since you were three years old. You shouldn't even hazard to think about him the way you did, and you definitely shouldn't enjoy the way he looked at you. Well, the way he looked at you these past few years at least.

Somewhere along the way he stopped seeing you as the annoying little girl who would steal his snacks on movie nights and started seeing you as...something more.

"Unless you want your sister to strangle you, I suggest you get out of here now."

He threw his hands up at the idea. "It's my house."

You cocked a hand on your hip and he bit his lip at the memory of the dainty little constellation inked into the skin that lay beneath. He hadn't been close enough to see it in detail but he was certain it was your star sign. "It'll be an estate sale if she catches you in here."

With a sigh he backed up, murmuring under his breath as he left, "Last time I let her hide out here for the holidays."

Every surface of the house was littered with Flo's belongings. She had spent the last two weeks in Monte Carlo with Lando and you were joining her for the last weekend before summer break was over and it was back to university. You were going to make the most of the trip and planned on seeing just how wild the nightlife could get in the small city.

It was only moments after Lando left the room that Flo swept in and she stumbled to a stop. "Holy shit, babes, you look gorgeous! Don't let Lando see you in that."

"Why not?" you asked as you grabbed your perfume, the same one he had once commented smelt good on you.

Flo crossed the room with a peculiar look on her face and she stepped right into your personal space so she wouldn't be overheard. "I haven't seen him with a girl the entire time I have been here, like not even on the phone. That's weird right?"

You pursed your lips and pressed a hand to her forehead. "Do you have sun stroke?"

She brushed your hand aside with a roll of her blue eyes that matched her brothers perfectly. "The horndog hasn't been horndogging."

"Okay, that doesn't sound how you think it does," you said as you grabbed her shoulders and gave her a gentle shake so she could refocus her thoughts. "What does that have to do with me?"

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