Crazy For You || LN4

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Requestdark toxic romance for Lando where she's the girl next door???

Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, implied smut, gaslighting, dub/con, dark themes

It had been two months since you moved into your apartment in Monaco and you still hadn't managed to introduce yourself to your neighbour. He kept strange hours and seemed to be away more than he was there. From what you had glimpsed, you had been delighted to see he was probably around your age and quite handsome in an innocent way. Mr Riley on the other hand was a stoic old man who only spoke to you when your cat climbed over the balcony and into his space.

Known for its year-round beauty and calm climate, Monaco had welcomed you with a comfortable breeze and enough sun to warrant leaving the house without a jacket, even at dusk on a winter's night. If you had checked the weather reports you would have seen that a storm was quickly blowing in from the coast - arriving by the time you had finished having a few cocktails with your new friends.

Christmas lights twinkled around the shop fronts as you exited the bar and nutcrackers stood proud in doorways. You always loved Christmas and seeing the smiles it put on children's faces but there were no children out this late.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride?" Luke asked as he twirled his keys around his finger. "It's about to start raining."

"She's good," someone answered for you and you looked over to see your elusive neighbour at your side, his hand coming to rest in the small of your back. "I can take her home."

"You didn't tell us Lando was picking you up."

Your mouth was dry and you didn't know what to say as the liquor, or his presence, left you confused. Lando, you stored that piece of information away and tried to figure out why it sounded so familiar.

"I was just out doing some Christmas shopping and about to head home," he said with a smile. "Ready?"

"Uh, yeah," you mumbled as you let him guide you away from your friends.

"Are you sure?" Luke asked with a frown. "You don't look comfortable. Do you even know him?"

"Kind of, I'm just surprised," you assured him. "Lando is my neighbour."

"Okay, well, text me when you get home."

You gave Luke a nod and waved to the others before going your separate ways.

"Are you cold?" Lando asked, already slipping his arms out of the jacket he wore over a dark hoodie.

The alcohol had made you numb to the temperature but you let him drape it over your shoulders anyway, wrapping you in the decadent scent that came along with it.


"Any time, it's what neighbours do."

"I don't think Mr Riley would," you teased.

"The grumpy old guy in 4C? We just call him Carl, like the movie Up."

You smiled awkwardly and toyed with the zip on the jacked. "I've never seen it."

"What?" He pulled you to a stop and grabbed your shoulders with a serious look on his face. "This just won't do. I cannot be seen with someone who hasn't watched Up!"

"Oh," you mumbled as you started to take off his jacket and hand it back.

"What are you doing, you muppet?" He grabbed the jacket and put it back on your shoulders before opening the door to a very expensive looking car.

"I thought you meant..."

"It's fine, I have tinted windows," he teased. "As soon as we get home though, we're watching the movie."

F1 Reader InsertsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora