Summer in the 305 || LS2

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Pairing: Logan Sergeant x fem!reader
Summary: Logan comes home to Miami (305) for the summer break and you surprise him by meeting him at the airport.
Warnings: fluff, doggo parents, smut

No one noticed you as you sat half asleep in an oversized hoodie on a bench, assuming you were just another weary traveler in Miami International Airport. The arrival lounge had been busy when you arrived hours earlier but it had grown quieter and quieter as the night grew so late it could have been considered morning. Logan was meant to have landed at 11pm and he would have expected you to be at home fast also but you had wanted to surprise him.

The surprise came fittingly at 3:05 when the frosted glass doors opened with the next disembarkation of passengers, led by Logan as he desperately tried to get home to you sooner. Your eyes were burning from forcing them to remain open for the extra four hours that his flight was delayed and you rubbed them as you rose from the bench.

Caps and shirts were thrust in his path but he was too polite to decline a fan so he paused to sign his autograph and nearly jumped out of his skin when your fingers wrapped around the handle of his suitcase. The shout to call for security almost passed his lips, thinking he was being robbed, before his sleepy brain recognised you.

"Sweetheart, what are you doing here?" he asked as a grin chased away the exhaustion on his face and he bundled you into his arms.

You kept one hand on his luggage since there was a crowd starting to gather but the other curled around his back and your head tucked into the crook of his neck. "I wanted to surprise you. I missed you."

Logan pressed his lips to your forehead until you tipped your head back and he captured your lips as cameras flashed. "I missed you too."

Thankfully it wasn't always like this and most of the time when he came home to Miami you were left in relative peace. It was a different story when you went with him to the races, those were full-on mobs of Williams fans that demanded almost all his attention. "Go on, babe, finish up signing those so we can go home."

The pen flew across whatever passed in front of him before he caught you struggling to hide your yawn and made an apology as he handed a boarding pass back with his autograph before waving. "Thanks for the support everyone."

There was a collective groan from those who had missed out but Logan was focusing on taking back his luggage with one hand and draping the other over your shoulders as you fell into step.

"Looks like the 305 missed you too," you commented as his hand lifted every now and again to wave at the younger fans until you reached his Range Rover you borrowed for the night. "There's a treat waiting for you at home."

His hand found your thigh as he started the engine and sent you a smirk as it drifted higher. "Yeah, sweetheart?"

"Not that," you giggled, turning down the music that had played loudly while you drove. Logan enjoyed a quieter atmosphere when he was at the wheel, one where he could hold a conversation. "I wasn't sure if you had eaten so I picked up some Carbone's. I will admit I had to name drop, but they wouldn't make a takeaway order otherwise."

His warm laugh filled the SUV. "Did they even know who I was?"

"Of course! Everyone knows the hometown hero." You leaned across the console and kissed his cheek, feeling the short prickles of his blond beard on your lips. "Are you planning on giving me beard burn, Lo?"

"This is all the rage in Europe. You don't like it?" he asked as he ran his fingers over the three day growth. You weren't sure if he was playing with you or not before a grin split his face and you sighed with relief. "Don't worry, honey, I just haven't had a minute spare to shave it this week."

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