a New Suit

13 0 0

June 21

Ever since my Old uniform got Destroyed, I've been allowed to wear my regular Clothes around the Space station. I actively Avoided my private training Room and watched the Others Train themselves from the Sidelines of the regular training rooms. From There, I've taken a List of all the Abilities my Fellow Captians have, As well as what their Ult is and what weapons they use.

Fenix uses a Spear. Ult Spear Rift, A move in which he Slashes with his Spear to Create a Rift that shoots out thousands of Spears. His abilities involve Lie Detect, Emotional Read Sight, and Focus.

Henry uses a Claymore and has Ultra Cleave, Where he, not Surprisingly, Can Cleave through Anything. Abilities are Retaliate, And Slash wave, The Ability to Create Slash waves that only go a Short Distance, but give a Extension in Attack range.

Kelly Uses a Full body Mech that's No bigger than Henry, Her Ult is called Omega Mode, Which is a Power State that Doubles Her Attack. Abilities are Tech Analysis, The ability to Tell how a Machine or Gadget operates just by looking at it, and recreate it. and Magnet-Control, the ability to control Magnetism.

Dorothy uses a Staff, and has Resurrection, Just like Jen. She also has Medic Scan and heal, but she also has Power and Defense Rise, Which she can Buff herself or Allies. She also has a Lifelti as her Petner, which are Flying little Cat like creatures that're small enough to fit in my hand perfectly, yet are strong enough to wield weapons.

Rav uses a Catalyst in which he can Manipulate his Force Control, But his attacks are more like Magic if anything. His Ult Is "Force Bomb" a Explosion of Force at a certain area that Covers 20 Feet.

Nexus Uses A Blaster and a Knife for both Ranged and Melee attacks. His Ult is called Hyper Sound, Which is a Few Sonic Waves that can Damage His Enemies and Causes them to Emit Sonic Wave. Depending on how the Enemies are positioned, it can cause a Chain Reaction. His ability is Speed bursts and Sound Control, The ability to Use Sounds as Attacks.

Otto uses a "ChainStick" which is Basically a Nunchuck, His Ult is Stun Tempest, A move where he can dish out Rapid Fast attacks and stun the enemy. His only ability is Force control, in which he Uses it to power his Attacks, Dealing a Extra hit.

I was Watching Both Fenix and Nexus Having a Match against Each other, With Fenix coming out as the Victor of the Match.

Nexus: Aah, You Got me.

Fenix: Well I guess that means I'm top Cuddling you.

Apparently Fenix Doesn't Like it when he Sleeps alone, So he likes to Invite One or two people to Cuddle with every night. The Captians, including... The Dual blade Folf, are all Regulars, Which would explain why he's so Tight with the Captians. I couldn't help but Feel a Tiny bit Lonely, as Lux would Usually Be the one Cuddling me every night.

I miss him, and everyone else.

Upon instinct, I decided to check Conlink and headed to the group Chat, and noticed someone new just joined recently.

"Me: Umbra

Umbra: Hey there M~ Thx For Getting me out of there.

Me: You were the only one who respected my personal space and you were still yourself. Of course I'll give you the Chance to escape. So who're you with?

Lux: He's with Me. Also, He figured out our relationship.

Umbra: Lux Told me about your Big Secret. I'm learning quite a bit about your kind.

Me: well, Just keep it a Secret.

Umbra: I will, Believe me.

Susan: No doubt you're getting into porn, knowing you.

[Holo-Gamer] WhiteNova1 VolumeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat