Agility course

16 0 0

June 7th

Over the Coarse of the Weekend, I either studied the guide Otto gave me, or talked over Voice chat with the Others while playing games with them. I told them about my encounter with Nate, In which they expressed their concerns, but I told them not to worry.

The next two weekdays that followed after, I continued my Classes with Otto in The Briefing room. I listened in and took notes as Otto instructed me, but today was a bit different.

Otto: Alright, I think it's time for a bit of activity.

Me: what?

Otto then smiles

Otto: Follow me and you'll see.

Otto then walks out the Door. I then hesitantly followed him, Constantly on the lookout for Nate's signal.

Otto continued to guide me through the Hub and into the Training Sector. Then into a large, long training room with a bunch of platforms and poles with beams connecting some, turrets on Separate platforms and at the bottom of it all is a pool of "Clearsave Gel" which is Squishy clear solid material that can save a person falling from any kind of height. There was also a Red platform on one end and a blue platform.

There were agents Jumping from one platform to the next, balancing on beams, or Dodging Balls of light the turrets shoot when they went past. They seemed to be moving towards the blue platform.

Henry was also Jumping from a platform to the Blue one, once he got there he Turns around and Spots me.

Henry: Oh, Hey there M!

Some of the Furries turned their heads towards me. Some of them even waved at me.

Me: Physical education?

Otto: in a way.

Otto and I approached Henry as he came down.

Otto: we're here for the next part of his Classes. Plus I'd like to evaluate his Fitness to see if he needs to do any physical training.

Henry: Why Sure. Go on up on the Red and make it to the Blue. Of course, Without falling off.

I then turned towards the red and walked up. The platforms were all 30 to 35 Feet, But the Red and blue were just 30 Feet. And it seems like there's 4 Segments to it. First there's platforms, then Poles, Beams and lastly turrets. All were separated by checkpoint like platforms.
I don't see any visible ladder or way to get up there to the red or Blue though. A few agents were looking at me from the red platform.

???: Need help getting up?

Me: Nah, I'll just do this.

I then activated my hover anklets and used that to get up, Which Shocked most of the Agents on the platforms.

???: Woah! What was that?

Me: Hover Anklets. Though I won't be activating them during this. That'll be Cheating.

Otto then calls up

Otto: That'd be appreciated! Whenever you're ready!

Henry: Don't worry about falling off! I assure you, no one is going to judge!

That I have no doubt. To the whole space station, I must be a Newbie. But in actuality, I'm a lot more agile than I was. I then looked down the Plaformed riddled path to where the Goal is. the Gaps were 5 - 6 Feet apart, Apart from where the beams are, which are 10 - 15 feet.

Me: welp. Here we go.

I then did a Running start and started jumping from platform to platform without stopping.

???: Woa!

Pretty soon, I made it to the First Checkpoint, Which seemed to surprise everyone. Otto and Henry then called out from below.

Henry: Not bad M!

Otto: Keep going! remember, No pressure.

I nodded and continued on to the Poles, Which were a foot in Diameter. I jumped on the first one and started to go on the Next. I continued to jump from pole to pole and Touched down on the other side, I then decided to move on to the beams and overcame that too. When I got to the Turret part, which is a 100 foot dash with turrets to the Side, The Turrets Then started to point towards me and started to Fire. Using Foresight, I then started to run and Dodge past the Barge of balls that were being fired towards me.

(Henry: Woah)

I continued to Run and Dodge the Balls of light until I touched the Blue part of the Platform. I was panting a Bit, As I never dodged anything that intense. I looked over to Otto and Henry, who were staring at me in shock and awe. In fact, as I looked around, All of the agents were staring at me as if I did something amazing. I then used my hover anklets to hover back down to the ground as I approached Otto and landed in front of him.

Me: So... How about it?

Otto just stares at me and Gave me a thumbs up As he beamed a bit.

Otto: That was Awesome! A+

I couldn't help but smile a bit, as I've never gotten a A in anything other than games. But I stepped it back to prevent myself from getting excited like a child.

Henry: I can now see why you're made WhiteNova without going to agent school and get Room two.

Me: Like I said, There's more to me than meets the Eye.

Otto: So it would seem. Anyway I think you don't need any sort of physical training. Let's head back to the briefing room.

???: u-um.

I Detected a Agent Approaching from behind and turned around to Find a female Cheetah agent with pink hair.

Henry: What's up Nel?

Nel then Looks at me.

Nel: M. Your time is precisely 44.2 Seconds. Exactly White's best Time.

. . .


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