Breaking Out of hell

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(Umbra's POV)

I was lying on my bed, looking up at the Ceiling of my Room after a day of Doing the usual Stuff. Serving and being served. I kept thinking about how I'm still stuck here, with no way to leave, all because of this Damn suit. I mean, I admit, Nox's Got tastes in Material for clothing, but not in Functions. My mind wanders to my old Friends, Who probably think that I'm one of them now. That Day, Neyrox got me off guard, and Lux was too late to save me. But I don't blame him. I never Did. But I can't help but wonder how he's doing. How they're all doing. They all blocked me on social media, probably in fear of seeing me, Even online. For that, I never really go online at all these days.

My mind then somehow drifts to M. That Sassy Human. I still remember the time where we first met, When I trapped him with Shadow-Control. I still can't believe that a Human is still alive to this Day. And felt sorry that he was torn from his loved ones by Nox, like I was. I checked my Line with him to find out that it's still Yellow, The sign of Mutual Friendship.

It's been like that ever since I've said goodbye to him the Day He escaped with the help of Ash. I of course, kept quiet about it. And as expected, Nox noticed something was wrong and gave chased, But when he came back after mysteriously rushing from M's old place and into the Field, only to come back empty handed with Fury in his eyes, It was SO DAMN SATISFYING! Unfortunately the City moved to a totally different location now, and Nox went out in search of M.
I'm so glad someone like him is safe and sound. Judging by how the line would go up and down each day, he's probably safe with WhiteNova. I'm honestly a Bit Jealous of him. I wish I could get out of here myself, But I fully accept that I'm a Prisoner here. Still... I wouldn't mind sleeping with him once more. Probably with that boyfriend of his, Should He allow it.
Just Sandwich him between us.

Suddenly, I heard something Clattering on the Ground and I looked down on the Floor to Find a Black 4×8×4 inch box.

That... Wasn't there before.

I then hopped out of bed and walked over to pick the item up. How did this get here? When I picked it up, I could hear some things moving inside. There's a few Items in it.

I felt some unnatural Grooves on the Right paw side and turned it to Find a few words Etched into it.

Pull out with Shadow

"Pull out with Shadow"? Does that mean... Pull the items out with Shadow Control? I'm the only one here with Shadow Control so... Are the Contents inside for me?

Sheer Curiosity got the better of me and I then went over to the Shadows of the Room, then proceeded to Reach into the Side of the Box using Shadow Control. Suddenly, I heard a Familiar Voice in my head.

M: Hey there. Don't bother replying, As this is a Audio Recording being sent Directly into your brain. Listen, I'm not sure if you realized it, but it Turns out that you Also have Corruption Resistance. but your's is at a Level where you can NEVER turn, no matter how much corruption is pumped into you. Meaning that you're still yourself.
the box I sent to your Room, Via Connection Teleport, contains a Injector that'll Cure all your Corruption in you, Disintegrate your Suit, And Give you a Nice Fresh Set of Clothes. as well as a Band that can act as a Catalyst for your Shadow Control, Should you get found. Pair those with your Shadow-Control and invisibility, and you have a Instant recipe for a break out. This was all in thanks with the help of my New Commander Kilak. However, no Deal is without a price. There is also a Tracking Device that's on a Separate, Undetectable signal Length that'll track the whole Floating City, and the only device that can detect this signal is in the hands of WhiteNova. "Place the Tracker in a Spot where NO ONE can find, and Escape the City. Only then, Will I appoint Umbra as a WhiteNova In the Next Ceremony. And allow him to Skip his test along with the others". That's the Deal we made. The tracker is already on so all you need to do is place it in a Spot where no one can find. And when he means "Others" I'm talking about the Agents who helped me beat the Abyssalers, Including 6 of the 8 Commanders. Your Friends.

Me: !!!

M: ever since they discovered that you can't be Corrupted, they've been Longing for you to return back. To See you again. I can tell that from the looks on their faces. And judging from the Pained look I caught on your face at the time, You also missed them. I can tell that you want out of there. Well this is your chance. To reunite with your friends and break out of that place. Well then, Umbra, I'm counting on you.

M's Voice then gone Quiet, Leaving me all alone with my paw in the box, I felt around and pulled out all of the Items. a dark blue injector with a white star Symbol. A dark blue Wristband and tiny black Cube, Which I assume is the Tracker. I then started to grin and giggle.

Me: heh... Hehehehe.

Finally! A way out of this Hell! and I'll get to be promoted to Whitenova along with everyone!

Oh M, you Sassy, Devious Human you shouldn't have. Might just have to thank you by Sucking you off~ If your boyfriend allows it.

I then proceeded to use the Injection and immediately felt the Corruption going away, My suit also Disintegrated, then a Black Synthetic pants, Shoes, Shirt and Jacket Materialized in it's place.

I then Reached my hand in the Shadows to put the tracker in the one Place I could think of to completely hide it. The place where no one can reach and no Detection Goo. My secret Stashing place, Which is a Closed off Room somewhere Deep in the Engine room. Once I Done my Job, I then pulled my arm out, And Dive into the Shadows.

Sorry "Master". But this Doggie is Off His Collar!

[Holo-Gamer] WhiteNova1 VolumeWhere stories live. Discover now