Awkward Reunion

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June 9th

I was walking from the Briefing room after my class back to my quarters, Going over every that I've learned today. I then noticed the twins, Nexus and Fenix Down the hallway, Who noticed me upon my approach.

Ash: Hey M, Done for the day?

Me: Yeah. Just about to head to my quarters to study.

Fenix and Nexus then Frowns.

Fenix: why not come to the Entertainment Section and study there? There's a few rooms where you can study, and we can help if you're stuck on anything.

That is true. I haven't feel like I'm getting enough exposure around here at all.

Me: well... Alright. I suppose so.

Fenix and Nexus then smiles towards me.

Nexus: Sweet. Let's go.

We all then began walking down the Hallway, towards the entertainment section.

Nexus: I heard from Henry that you Absolutely Shredded the Agility course the other day.

Fenix: if it weren't for my lie Detect, I probably wouldn't believe it as Well.

Me: I have been getting comments about that. It's nothing, Really.

Ash: oh C'mon Man! You'd Matched WHITE'S Time!

I then tilt my head in confusion. I've been hearing that name amongst the other WN Agents, But...

Me: Who?

Fenix and Nexus: . . . YOU DON'T KNOW WHO WHITE IS?!

Both the captians turned towards and exclaimed their surprise towards me with "Is this guy for Real?!" Expressions.

Me: Well I have been living under a Rock for most of my life.

And literally was at one point.
(Flashback to the fact that the first lab is jutted into a cliff.)

It took a moment, But Nexus then Showed me White's Agent Trailer where I Discovered that He's a White Folf (wolf/fox) with Wings and Black Eyes that Wields Dual Blades. his Ult is StarBlade Combo, A 16 hit combo of Powerful Slashes that can only be performed by Dual Blades. The blades Do glow, But don't produce particles or go through defenses and cover a AOE like StarStream or StarNova Ace do. Watching him Preform it, It almost reminds me of the Iconic Starburst Stream° sword skill from °SAO. He also Had a Galactic colored Cape with Constellations on it. And Judging by how he talks and acts in the trailer, He seems really outgoing and passionate, but also seems Naive.
The Grand Captain, and Top Agent of the Furry WhiteNova of Earth. The WingBlade Folf, White Furlight.

Me: Isn't that the last name of the First Furry?

Nexus: You Betcha. He's a DIRECT Descendent of Him. He Leads the Top Team, CometFur, which is The best Earth WhiteNova Agent team. Composed of 6 of our best Agents, with him as the First. Mia the Force NineFox (9 tailed Kitsune), Red the Spike-Guard Dragon, Moka the Summon Spirit Tigerbee, Ken the Hydro Archound and Kristen the Snapshot Avian

Fenix: They've all Done Incredible Feats and are the Most Respected Agents in the Universe. We all looked up to Them, and wished to be like them.

Me: I see. I'm assuming they're on a Mission right now?

Fenix: Yeah, Jabutu. But I heard they'll be on their way back soon. They'll surely try to make you more comfortable to the point where you are comfortable with putting your hood down.

We then continued walking and I decided to check the map to Find Nate's Signal. It seems like he's Training with Henry, I hope he can keep him busy for long enough so...

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