New Danger Arises

28 0 1

July 6

I finally Stopped Fainting From using Starmode, but now I suffer from headaches that hurt so much, my Vision Pulses after a wave of Fatigue.
It really hurted.
When SAI contacted Kilak, Who told the twins, they teleported in and helped me to my Quarters. Everyone was immediately concerned when they heard what happened, but I told them not to worry. I really wasn't looking forward to suffering from such a level of pain, but the thought of, After two years, losing everything that I now hold dear kept me motivated. As I began to use it more, I can Gradually feel the headaches and fatigue getting less and less after each use.

I woke up as usual and got around to do my usual routine. But as soon as I opened the door...


The sound of the alarm was so loud that it hurted my ears a bit. Still though, It was enough to shake me wide awake.

Lotax? Does that mean...

I quickly rushed to the Center to find everyone rushing from the cafeteria, to the Training, To the Battle Field, With slight worry in their eyes. Admist the crowd, I could see Kilak, Who I jogged to him as he spots and approaches me.

Me: Lemme guess, Lotax decided to pay us a Attack?

Kilak: Yes, But it's a level 2. And White and his team are 5 minutes away. You don't need to worry about joining us if you don't want to. However...

Kilak then leans in and lowers his voice.

Kilak: If the situation changes above 3 and Cometfur isn't back, I'm going to require your assistance.

I was confused about how he was giving me a choice on this, So I tilted my head in confusion. Kilak then backs up and answers.

Kilak: The news likes to cover it. I mean, the whole agency would be in action. I imagine that you don't want to participate because... It poses risks.

I see. If I go out there, I'd be sure to draw out attention because of my Suit and abilities, Which may alert Nox about my whereabouts. And I don't wanna face him when I'm still not used to Star mode.

Me: I see. I understand. But I'm going to remain on standby just in case. And if anybody dies, I'm looping and joining, then rushing back inside.

Kilak then Smiles at me

Kilak: Alright.

I then proceeded to jog towards the Battlefield, But didn't go through the door. Instead, I stayed towards the side and out of the way of the Agents. But I couldn't help but peak out of the side. I could see many agents fighting grey, Black and purple humanoid creatures with swords and guns that was coming out of a Portal.

So those are Lotax... They're quite similar to the Voiders in some cases.

I can see Dorothy taking care of the wounded, Kelly piloting her mech against a Group of Lotaxs, Fighting alongside the twins and the rest of the Captians. And I could See Kilak Fighting with a Sword, Slashes two of the enemy while giving orders.

Kilak: Hold the Line! Don't let them through!

I could also see black flying balls with Camera Lenses flying around, looking at the ongoing fight.

News: "This is our First Lotax invasion in 70 years. The threat level is 2 out of 5. The injury and death possibilities are extremely low, Especially with these brand new shield badges that protects the wearer, But in my honest opinion I can't help but worry."

I continued to monitor the situation and watch everyone fight the oncoming invaders, until there was no enemies Left. But then they turned towards the ominous portal. On cue, a Big Lotax with a Sword and a Shield comes stomping through the portal.


News: It's a Level 4 Doomsday beast!

As soon as the Doomsday Beast appeared, Everyone Immediately tensed and Backed up. Everyone seems on edged, Probably because they haven't faced something like this before or it's because the threat level increased. I could see Kilak looking around, panicking a bit, Then grabbing a Device from his hip and I started to hear his Voice.

Kilak: Looks like we Need a Hero. The situation--

???: Did Somebody Say Hero?!

Suddenly, a shout could be heard from across the Battlefield, Somewhere up high. 6 projectiles of Light shot down from Above. Only they were not projectiles. They were Furries. And I took the Liberty of looking at their abilities

A female white Kitsune with Red markings and White hair in what appeared to be white and red Japanese style clothing.

Force control LV 75
Force Change LV 75
Force Heal LV 75

A Blue, light blue and darkblue male Archound in what appears to be a white and dark blue suit without the sleeves.

Water Control LV MAX

A Green and yellow Male Tigerbee in a white and Green Jacket hero suit. With a transparent Wolf with a Sword looming over him

Spirit Petner (Kelfi) LV 89

A Red buff male Dragon with red hair holding a Lance and Shield with Red Armor plating.

Ultra Guard LV 75
Ultra attack LV 75
Shield Wall LV 75
Reflect LV MAX

a Blue, Red and White female Avian with Pink hair in a Vest that had a bit of a tailcoat to it, holding a Camera.

Force Control LV 75
Attack raise LV 75
Defense raise LV 75
Speed raise LV 75

And lastly, a White Folf with Wings and Black Eyes in a cosmic colored Cape and Dual Blades

Force control LV 50
Ability Sight LV MAX.
Flying LV MAX

???: Have no Fear! For we are those who go around the universe, Helping those in Need and bringing Justice to the wicked!

All 6 of them then did something Cringeworthy. They posed like they were THOSE kind of live action heroes you'd see on TV.

All 6: Team CometFur is Here!


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