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(M's POV)

June 17th

I proceeded to wake up and do my usual morning Routine, then Walked out the Door. I proceeded to walk to the training Section to find my new training room. On the way there, I spotted Henry, Nexus and Kelly walking up towards me.

Henry: Morning M. And Congrats on passing your classes.

Me: thanks.

Kelly: Off to go train that ability of Yours?

Me: Yeah.

Kelly then smiles towards me.

Kelly: Well, Hope you like the Augmented Reality in there. I worked on it Myself. Never thought Light Crystals could be used this way.

Henry: You Sure you don't need help with Techniques or anything?

Me: No, I'm alright. Thank you for the Gesture though. In any case, I need to get going now.

Nexus: Alright, See you man.

I then Proceeded down the Hallway and found the private training Room Section. Which was a hallway of 10 Doors with Nameplates on them. 8 of them were empty, But the other two has filled in names, with the Names being "White" and mine.

I then walked to the door with my Label and it Slides open. I then proceeded to walk into a Empty, Spacious room, Apart from a Console and a bed that's to the Side. As I Approached it, I could see a List of all the Enemies that I've Faced with my team. Even Snow and Ash too.

SAI: I've implemented all of the Enemies that you've encountered so far into the Console. There's also a wave mode that'll Spawn Them in Waves, and a Boss rush mode, That'll spawn only the Abyssalers and boss worthy opponents.

Me: Including the Twins I see.

SAI: There's also a Environment Setting that'll make the Walls project 3d Scenery.

The fact that I can Change the Scenery intrigued me and I played around with it. There were all places that I've been to before. I decided to Hit the very first one, And the Walls started to Dematerialize into the Clearing that I Fought my Very First battle in.

Me: here again?

I couldn't help but Laugh as Nostalgia hitted me like a Crit. I then hit the Wave Button and Holographic 8 bit words Showed up in the Center of the Room.


Shortly after, the words disappeared, And Holographic Voiders started to appear and Lumber towards me. I then did a Few Stretches and manifested a Blade. I then lunged at the First Dummy and Slashed it across the torso. As I did, I felt the same Energy build up.


I then Began My training by Going through the First wave of Enemies, Building up Energy, And once I felt it reached to the Max, i Faced the Last Enemy and Unleashed Star mode on it. The same Sensation of power Explodes fourth from within my mind, I Spawned the same Slash Attacks from before along with Pierce and blunt Attacks. It feels almost Natural, like I was Made For it. The Power then Suddenly Subsided as the Mode ended. Immediately I felt Fatigued and Proceeded to Fall to the Floor, Slipping into Darkness.

[Holo-Gamer] WhiteNova1 VolumeWhere stories live. Discover now