Growing Closer

22 0 0

June 24th

I woke up after recovering from another use of Starmode, and done my Morning Routine. I then Proceeded to walk out of the Room to greet Ash, Snow and Fenix Who were just waiting in front of my quarters.

Fenix: Morning M.

Me: Morning, What's up with you guys?

Snow: Well, you've been working on your ability non-stop. We figured it'd be best for you to take a break from your training to grow closer to the others. Kilak also asked us to "Encourage" you to take it.

Ash: also, Nate just left this morning, you won't have to worry about getting nagged again.

Me: really?

Fenix: Yeah. He also told me to tell you that he expects your hood to be Down when he returns.

Of course he would say that.

Me: I mean, it's two months, and the next time I use that ability, I'll be out for a Day. So I might as well.

Fenix then smiles.

Fenix: Good. Let's go to the entertainment section.

I then proceeded to follow the twins and The Sergal to the entertainment section. By the time we've arrived, I noticed that all of the current captians were over at a Few Couches. Nexus and Otto were playing a Game while Rav was reading and Kelly was Scrolling through the web with Dorothy. When we approached, Henry looked up and his eyes landed on us.

Henry: Ah, You convinced him to join us.

As soon as Henry spoke, All the others looked our way and greeted us with Smiles.

Fenix: Were you guys waiting long?

I looked over to the screen and can see the title screen of Agent adventures, a hack and slash RPG game where you can create your own Agent character and embark on a Quest to save Earth from a Lotax invasion.

Me: Don't think so.

Everyone looks at me in Slight surprise.

Kelly: yeah, We just got here.

Dorothy: how did you guess that?

Me: if you guys were, Nexus and Otto would've been deep into the game, but it looks like they just started.

Everyone looks over at the holographic screen as I sit in a empty couch. The twins took places next to me, With snow on the right and Ash on the left. Fenix then Sat right next to Ash.

Nexus: Ha, Good guess.

Fenix: oh yeah, You're a gamer, Aren't you M?

I nodded silently as I Grabbed my Computer and worked on a "Ult use cutscene". Referencing the critical cut-ins from the Persona Game series. I was working on my own, and the last frame of the animation.

Kelly: Hey guys. Look at this.

Kelly then resumes to read out loud of what she's reading.

Kelly: "BrownOmega With Weapon that overcomes Disability. 23 year old BO Bird agent, Koko Duskwing, developed Xenfo Disorder on her First day as a agent. Making her the weakest, Flightless BO agent with her weapon being restricted to throwing knives. However, After Receiving a Device called the "Bow" that Launches "Arrows" from a Anonymous person, She Displayed incredible Skills in Shooting Down and Paralyzing 10 Robbers with her Wispi petner Momo."

It sounds like the public found out about Koko using a new weapon and the News did a Article about it.

Dorothy: "The reason why she Uses this newly Created Weapon is Because it Doesn't render her Recall ability useless. The weapon is also easy to use as she stated "All I have to do is take a Arrow, Put the end against the string, pull back, aim, and release." She also worked with Lucas GoldenRuff, a YD Golden Retriever Agent, and Nile Techpaw, a tiger construct agent, to add retractable Blades. Allowing her to use it as a Melee weapon Whenever she needed to. Her Ult also changed from Sharpen to Energy Bolt. Making it a theory that the burst disk automatically recognizes it as a range weapon" The Design is Quite simple too. A Arch and a string attached to each end.

[Holo-Gamer] WhiteNova1 VolumeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum