Back to School

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June 2nd

I began Stirring up from my Sleep and Sat up. I took a look around my new Quarters and got myself up.

I just spent my first night in space.

SAI: Morning M.

Me: Morning SAI. Did anyone come in?

SAI: Nope.

Good, no one knows my identity yet.

It's currently 6:15, so I guess I'll take a shower and get ready for my first day.

I then started to prepare myself by taking a shower and having Breakfast. once that was done, I put on my new uniform and put up the Shadehood. I then opened the door and as quietly as I could, I started to walk out of the Quarters and down the hall. Thankfully the exit to the Hub was close and Nate's in the Cafeteria which is the opposite of Missionary. I've already ate, so I should probably get to B1. I decided to go to missionary while listening to Music on my Chip.

It somehow Reminds me of me back in my school days. I always had headphones in to drown out the annoying sounds of the Outside. But I turn the volume down or even off during classes.
But that didn't stop some teachers from Yanking them out. And I never dared protest like the other kids do.

I spotted a door that said B1 and Stood in front of it. And I had a flashback on how I always Hesitate to Go inside class.

But this time...

Me: . . . It's Different this time.

I then calmed myself down and walked inside. There was a rectangular, Clear table that goes in a Semiloop and many chairs around it.

SAI: These're one of the Briefing rooms.

It seems like I got here early, considering no one is around. I then Sat down at one of the Seats, and used imagine control to manifest a Rhombus. And another, and another.

I continued to play with the shapes and Elements that I can manifest with image control, Carefully so that no one will notice, until it was 10:50. by then I decided to stop playing with them and just stare out the window. 5 minutes later, I detected someone walking in.

???: Oh, You're here early.

I turned to the door of the room to See a Otter with blue, short hair and Azure eyes, Who was holding a white holo Tablet and grey tablet. The Otter then walks up to the front of the table.

Otto: Name's Otto, A Captain like yourself. Kilak personally asked me to tutor you.

Me: M. This is SAI. My AI assistant.

SAI: Just So you know. I intend to Remain silent throughout the whole thing. Though I would take Notes if that's okay.

Otto: Thank you. After all, This is M's Agent lessons. And I can tell that he's Raring to Go, Considering how early he is.

Me: Well, that's half of the reason.

Otto: What's the other one?

Me: A Dingo who's a Captain here.

A unamused expression was shown on Otto's Face.

Otto: Nate.

I nodded and Otto rolls his eyes.

Otto: That's him for you, now I understand why you weren't at dinner yesterday or breakfast today. He wouldn't even stop ranting at Ash for teleporting you. Henry had to get in between them.

I do hope Ash's Okay.

Otto: But enough about that, I guess we should start class early.

I then Sat up and started to focus as Otto Hands me the grey holo tablet

Otto: Tell me M. Exactly how much do you know about us Agents?

Me: well, I know that after you finish and graduate from highschool, You get the option of Finding a Job or Go to Agentschool. I'm not exactly sure how long you have to be in there to graduate, But once you do, You can choose to apply to one of 8 Agencies that specializes in one topic. and if you're the best in your classes, or the whole school season, you get to become commander. BlueLight specializes in Mental health and behavior, YellowDelta is technology, GreenCondor is academic and history researching, Purplenight is Entertainment, BrownOmega is Science and Petnerships, and RedAlpha is Fighting and combat. I'm not sure about CyanMeta and PinkBeta. Regular agents have to spend 5 years of service while Commanders spend 3 years in order to take the WhiteNova test to become WhiteNova Agents. If they Fail the test, They can try again after one year or become a part of the Military. However, if they displayed a incredible feat that's out of the Agent's regular Depth, and it catches The Whitenova Commander's attention, or that specific agent awakens to rare abilities or rare powerful Ults, they can skip that test and immediately be made WhiteNova. For example, Snow and Ash. And although I was never a agent myself, this includes me as well. As for what agents do, They keep peace in today's society pretty much everywhere. Including Outer Space. They also take on commissions that the citizens post.

Otto nods

Otto: That's right. Agent trainees have to take 3 years of agentschool at Agentfur academy back on earth. However, Like yourself, There's those who're immediately made WhiteNova because of how they handle certain situations, or have abilities or Ults that're befitting of a WhiteNova Agent. Though that's extremely rare. CyanMeta Specializes in Judgement, and PinkBeta specialize in Strategy.

CyanMeta and PinkBeta are the only Agencies that I haven't been to. If I remember correctly, PinkBeta is in Africa and CyanMeta France.
I then pulled out my tablet and made a Few notes in it.

Otto then walks up to me and Shows me his Burst-Disk by taking it from his belt.

Otto: Are you able to identify this gadget that I'm holding and explain how it operates? You can use the gui--

Me: it's a Burst-Disk. A Gadget that collects Energy the agent can gain through combat. Typically through Landing Hits or dodging at the right time. Once it's Full, the agent can Use that energy by tapping the symbol on the Burst-Disk, allowing them to unleash a Ultimate technique. Ult for short. There's many different kinds of Ults that Vary from Offensive, Defensive, or Support. The kind of Ult is acquired based on the Agent's self, but they can do rigorous training to get one they want at the cost of the old one. However, there's some that can never be trained for. For example, StarStream Ace. There's even a Variety of Ults that're elemental. Putting it in Video game terms, They're Special Moves that either deal loads of Damage, Heal tons of HP, Increase Defense, Speed or Attack power, put Debuffs on enemies or just draw enemy Aggro.

Otto just stares at me with widened eyes, which then squinted as he smiles Teasingly.

Otto: Are you sure You've never been to Agentschool?

Me: nope. You can ask Commander that.

Otto and I Continued to Discuss Agent Related topics, and I quickly discovered that I only know half of the Basics. Otto took it slow with me and I learned a lot. Pretty soon, it was 3:00

Otto: Well, I believe that's it for today.
You can head out now. See you here on Monday.

Me: Kay, Thanks. See you.

I then got up and walked out the door with SAI, I was about to head to my room to Study when I heard a few voices behind me.

Fenix: Oh, Hey M.

I looked behind me to Find Fenix, Snow and Ash.

Snow: All done with Class?

Me: Just about.

Ash: How was it?

Me: it... Was Fun. I've learned quite a Bit.

Fenix smiles

Fenix: Glad to hear that. Out of all of us captians, Otto's the Best teacher here. That's how he earned the title "Instructor Otter".

Ash: We're just about going to hang in the Entertainment Section. Wanna play some games with us?

SAI: I can check on the Doc if you'd like.

Me: Sure

[Holo-Gamer] WhiteNova1 VolumeWhere stories live. Discover now