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June 17th

It's been 8 Days since I Ran into the former BC masters and Purified the other Former BC high members, Who were just as Shocked about me being here, But all the same Greatful when I Purified them. Word about my ability Quickly Spread amongst the other Agents, and I was worried that a Few would begin pestering me to let them in on my other abilities. But they Just treated me like usual, Which I greatly appreciated. I continued my Classes with Otto and Finished my Last Day. I then went to Kilak First thing and reported in.

Kilak: Congratulations M, This concludes your introduction on becoming a Agent.

Kilak then Stands up from his Desk and Hands me a Dark blue Slate with Glowing Words on it.

Captain WhiteNova Agent Certified
Captain of Holo-Stars
Time Agent
Holo-Gamer Human

One who Lost his entire Race and slept for 1000 years without Aging. Who was once afraid of this new world he woke up to, of the Furry Race that occupies it. Yet he gained new things as He Journey around the globe on a Quest to Save a Race not of his own. Friendship, Courage, and Love. With those he came to cherish, He Led them, and Defeated Powerful Foes that Weakened a Impending Universal Doom to the point where there's still hope.

Continue to Step it Back, Unleash the Nova, and make a game with a story for all to Remember throughout time.

It was similar to the ones Snow and Ash had in the picture, But I can tell that this was Made out of Starnite. Fitting.

Me: thank you Sir.

I then Stashed the Award Away in my inventory.

Kilak: So, How're you getting accustomed to your new life here?

Me: Well, It's slow but I'm starting to get used to the Atmosphere here. Everyone's Been nothing but Kind to me. Except for the fact that Nate keeps on Berating me about the Hood. It only just makes me want to keep it up More.

Kilak sighed in Slight Annoyance as I Brought Nate up.

Kilak: I'm truly sorry about him. I wish I could talk to him, But when it comes to Rules, He won't listen even to me.

So even Kilak Doesn't have complete control over him.

Kilak: The Least I could do is send him on a Mission, there isn't anything right now. but he does have A 2 Month Shift over at The Falkbad prison starting on the 24th of June. Would that be Enough Time for you to Truly adjust?

Me: Yeah, I think that would be nice.

Kilak: Good. In any case, I'm afraid that your Training room won't be ready until tomorrow as well, So why don't you go back to your Quarters. You're Dismissed.

I Saluted to Kilak, Then Dismissed myself from the Room, Where the Twins were waiting outside. Ash Was Holding a Synthetic Bag.

Ash: Hey M. Done Reporting in?

Me: Yeah, Got my Certificate and everything. What's that?

Ash then Holds out the Bag.

Ash: Candy. Won a Contest online. Figured that we'd Share it to celebrate you officially becoming a Agent, As a team. Don't worry, They're Safe for you, I made sure. The others sadly can't join us because they're all busy training themselves. They wished they could though.

Snow: We can call the others and see who's online to join us.

Me: hm. Alright. Let's take it someplace Private Though. My Quarters?

The Two nodded and before I knew it, Ash Grabbed my Arm while Snow Grabbed his brother's shoulder and we Were Teleported in Front of my Quarters. I then Used my Keycard and opened the door for the twins, Who saw themselves in.

[Holo-Gamer] WhiteNova1 VolumeWhere stories live. Discover now