• Episode 7

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----------۝----------Y/N'S POV----------۝----------

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It's been three hours..... Or maybe four?

I've shouted, cried and continuously rattled on both the door. But it seems like nobody is here to hear my cry for help.

Sitting at the corner of this abandoned old room all that's reverberating through my mind is..... Why?

Why are they doing this to me?

I've had the least amount of interactions with anyone here. Let alone offending someone

They were kind to me on my first day. Then why now?

No matter how much I brainstorm, there's no answer. It's not even been an entire week since I joined.

What could they probably even want from me?

Putting my hand over the side wall for support, I got up once again, determined to get out of the place in any way possible.

I paced to the front door, peeking through it's upper glass part only to find no student in sight. This area seems secluded from the rest of school. The classes around were all empty.

I can't help but wonder, they brought me here on purpose so no one could even hear my plead for help.

The mere possibility sent shivers down my spines.

I wiped the tears that once again stained my cheeks before giving one more glance to the outside only to get startled by the tall guy passing by.

I immediately rattled on the door, screaming for him to stop, wishing the sound would cross the metal glass barrier.

I cried watching the silhouette turning from the blur glass and just in a moment the door was clicked open finally bringing me back my breath.


Taehyung held my tear patched cheeks, baffled at my disheveled state and I didn't hesitate pulling him in a crushing hug.

He was taken aback by the sudden action, contemplating a moment before his hand finally moved to my back, rubbing it in a calm manner.

"Thank God you were here.", I wailed out loud while he whispered comforting things in my ears.

"It's fine. I'm here."

He didn't rush asking me questions. Just silently running his hand through my back as I sobbed my heart until finally hitting some senses.

Loosening my crushing hold around him, I slowly pulled away, watching him softly staring down at me.

His slender fingers raised to my face, wiping the tears off of cheeks with his bare fingers, before he cupped my face.

"What happened? Tell me."

Drown ✓|| Jeon Jungkook Ft. Taehyung and Cha Eunwoo Where stories live. Discover now