"Thank you Mookie and I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused." She smiled standing up from the couch and walking towards the front door.

"You're not all at fault but I forgive you. Drive safe please"

"I will. Can I text you when I get home?" She asked giving me a side hug. Thats all she's getting from me. Bitch can't even embrace my smell.

"..." I wanted to say no but I don't think she got the support she needs. "Yea but only for that and don't hit my shit again"

"I won't"

As soon as I opened the door Moriah was standing on my porch. I haven't heard from her in months and she just pops up. Shit is about to go left by the way she's looking right now.

"Why is she here?" Moriah questioned muggin both me and Laila. How you come to my house questioning me? We not together.

"Moriah chill" I brushed off.

"We break up and you go straight back to her?" She scolded shoving me. I'm not understanding why she's mad right now. I'm so fucking confused.

"No Moriah"

"No? What am I dumb? And imma fuck you up. All this shit is your fault" she said lunging at Laila. I can't let her do that. The girl is pregnant for fucks sake.

"Fuck is you doing bro?" I mugged pulling her back. Moriah was an inch away from snatching Laila up.

"Get off me. You're doing this to get back at me? If you wanted to be with her you should have just said that and what tf is you smiling for bitch?" She mugged pushing herself out of my grip.

"Bro.. CHILL TF OUT" I yelled snatching Moriah up and shoving her into my house. " she's pregnant I'm not about to let you fight her. Lai get home safe"

"Ok" she nodded and walked off. I made sure she got in the car before I closed the front door and dragged Moriah downstairs

"Pregnant?..." Moriah repeated. There were tears in her eyes and I'm guessing she thinks I'm the father. "You got her pregnant?"

"No it's not mines. I took a dna test and she was here so we could see the results together. We're not back together either" I explained to her. It's starting to feel like I'm talking to a brick wall.

"Oh god" she cried burying her face back into her hands. What is going on?

"Don't cry when you came here tripping and shit. Why are you here?" I questioned her. How you crying and you pulled up on me trying to fight??

"I'm crying because my feelings are still hurt Mokani" she expressed. Her face was cherry red and she sounded possessed.

"Mines is too but I accept what I did, owned up to it and got over it"

"How can I get over you not being there for me?" She questioned. Woah now, I don't even know what she's talking about.

"Being there? What are you talking about?" I asked scrunching up my face.

"You didn't show up at my appointment or check on me afterwards. I was pregnant with your baby!" She cried yelling at me. Ahh tracking tracking.

My bestfriends sister (part2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora