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Naledi got off from on top of me and went to pick up her phone that had started continuously ringing. She picked it up and left the room. I didn't know why she felt the need to answer it outside but because Khanyisa was around I let her be. For three months we had been staying together and it had been the best three months of my life. She'd moved out of her place and officially became my girlfriend. I was planning to propose in the next upcoming days.

"You guys are going strong huh," Khanyisa spoke, his eyes gently falling on mine. His stare was weird so I looked elsewhere because I couldn't hold it. Lately I just felt like he was acting weird but I just hadn't figured out what was up with him yet.

"I'm inlove with her Khanyisa, everything just finally seems to have fallen in its rightful place."

"Dante ---"

"Khanyisa give me the remote," Naledi suddenly showed up, cutting off what Khanyisa was about to say. He handed her the remote and if I'm not mistaken, I saw him roll his eyes at her. She changed the channel to a news one and the headline read:


"Since when do you watch the news?" I asked, hoping it wasn't what I thought it was because if it was then I was most certainly doomed.

"Wait Dante," Naledi responded, turning up the volume. Her attention shifting from me to the TV. My heart suddenly raced, this couldn't be what I thought it was.

"A neighbour's dog dug up decomposed remains of a man who hasn't clearly been identified yet."

Naledi's concentration unwavered as the reporter continued to speak. I wished she could concentrate somewhere else, even Khanyisa seemed interested in the news, Khanyisa! He hated the news so what the actual fuck.

"Police have identified a woman who says a couple of weeks ago she was picked up by a stranger who drugged her and when she woke up she was being raped. The incident took place at an "underground" place that she still cannot identify but according to her the room was lit in red, that's all she can remember about it."

Khanyisa suddenly looked at me and I returned his stare with an 'what the fuck' look. I obviously knew who the man was and I couldn't believe how sloppy I had been. But a woman identified? What was going on?

"The woman believes the dead man was her rapist because when he was forcing himself on her, another man suddenly jumped from nowhere and started hitting him until finally, the rapist fell unconscious. She believes he was killed and unfortunately she cannot remember how the suspect looked."

The screen changed from the reporter and showed Naledi's previous place. There another reporter stood, a lot of people and press were gathered there. My heart turned dark, this was going to ruin me.

"I'm standing outside the place where the human body was found. And ---"

"Sandile," Naledi breathed out, her eyes suddenly teary, "Dante what did you ---"

I cut her off before she could say anything that could get me in trouble, "Naledi, don't."

"It all sounds way too familiar."

"I know but I didn't, trust me."

"Police urge anyone who might know anything to come forward. And if there's a man you know who's in his mid-twenties and has been missing for atleast two and half weeks please come forward as well and try to identify the body. Thank you."

"Sandile hasn't been home for that long Dante."

"Sandile broke up with you you know that Naledi what the fuck."

"Don't think the worst Naledi, you heard, the dead guy is a rapist, Sandile definitely isn't one," Khanyisa spoke trying to stop Naledi from worrying but from the look in her eyes I knew there was no going back. She was obviously terrified and she thought the worst of me.

"Khanyisa is right."

"Luvuyo ---"

"I haven't seen Sandile since the first day you both came in here. I wouldn't do that and Luvuyo was a mistake!"

"Naledi you think Dante killed Sandile?"

"Shut up Khanyisa," I said suddenly feeling furious. Naledi had no right to think I killed Sandile. Yes I had but I did it for us. Ever since his death her and I had been perfectly fine. We were working on our relationship. Wasn't that enough for her, wasn't I enough for her?

"Who's Luvuyo?" Khanyisa said regardless of the fact that I had shut him up.

"The man Dante killed."

"To protect you!"

"Dante did what!?" Khanyisa responded as they both ignored me. His face lost colour but he spoke again, his voice low, "Dante did what?"

"Sandile broke up with you Naledi," I ignored him, "He left you. I would never lay my hands on another man and kill him ever again. I thought you knew me that much."

"Well clearly I don't," a stray tear fell from her eyes, "I'm gonna go to the police, pray it's not Sandile."


"Dante what the fuck is going on?"

I ignored Khanyisa again and tried to run after Naledi who was making her way out of the house, "Naledi!"

"Did you kill him Dante?"

"I didn't."

Her eyes stared straight into mine. She had to believe me. And even if she didn't she had to give me a chance to explain my reasons. She didn't say anything else though, she got inside her car and before I could do anything to stop her, she drove off.


I didn't know what to do. Obviously it was Sandile. I knew, I buried him myself. I had to run after her but then that would be suspicious right?

"Dante, can you fuckin' explain to me what's going on," Khanyisa said as I walked in back inside the house. My heart was racing so fast I could literally hear my heartbeat. I was afraid. I looked at Khanyisa's concerned look and wondered if he would understand, he was my best friend anyways so he was supposed to. I took a deep breath and prepared to say everything. What was I going to lose. My life was already over if Naledi decided to tell everything to the police. But, what if she chose not to, would I regret telling Khanyisa the truth. I didn't know and honestly my life hung on a loose thread. My love for Naledi was going to keep me afloat though. I could survive anything as long as she was in my life, so I was going to survive this, being an obsessed sex addict murderer.

DANTE [] BOOK 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz