Chapter Fourteen

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The restaurant was dimly lit with the flickering candles that set the right atmosphere for a night I hoped would be just as romantic. I reached across the table and took hold of her hand, she looked up at me and when I smiled, she blushed. Everything just seemed to be how it was supposed to be. The soft music playing in the background, the other lovebirds caught up in the fantasy of their own worlds, me and her in love again. Her eyes shined in the candlelight, her lips lured me into her web of seduction and her body in the strapless little black dress she'd chose to wear was to die for. Everything was in its perfect place, we were where we were meant to be.

"Dance with me," I whispered and she gave me a heartfelt smile that made my heart swell with affection. I stood up from my seat and walked over to her, my eyes never leaving hers.

"Dante, people are watching," it was evident that she was flattered. She wasn't used to me being like this, hell I wasn't used to me being like this but she was bringing out the best in me and I loved that.

I smirked, "Then let them watch."

She stood and I pulled her close to me. In as much as I felt the other people's eyes on us I didn't care, she was my world in that moment. I looked into her eyes and she smiled. The feeling of her body pressed close to mine was amazing. As the song went on we moved in time with the rhythm, our feet moving in sync. Her head rested on my shoulder and we both got lost in the moment that felt timeless, all I needed was for her to stay in my embrace forever.

"Dante," she whispered in a sultry voice, drawing me deeper in my connection with her and I hummed in response. Too whipped to come up with a comprehensive sentence.

"Dante," she said again, her head leaving my chest and I looked at her with so much affection in my eyes, again humming in response instead of saying anything. She smiled and when she did, her facial features suddenly started to change. I let go of her, confused when suddenly she became Khanyisa.


"Wait, what, what ---"

I closed my eyes and when I opened them ---


I was at the coffee shop and Khanyisa was in front of me looking highly amused.


"Bro are you really day dreaming right now," he laughed, "Naledi really fucked you that good huh."

I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes right after.  Khanyisa laughed even harder, the fool clearly had no idea what being in love was like so I didn't blame him.

"What do you want Khanyisa?"

"For you to come back to reality," he said in between laughs. Honestly, what was funny? The guy really needed to get his head checked because this was really concerning.

"I'm glad to see you're back to being your old self."

"I'm glad to see you back at work, maybe Naledi should always ride that dick of yours cause it seems like that's only way for you to think clearly."

"Screw you Khanyisa."

"Not until Naledi screws you first," he said in a retort, suddenly breaking out in another laughing fit. The way he thought he was funny you'd swear he thought of himself as Trevor Noah. It was such a pity that he wasn't as funny, not even a little.

I was about to say something when the doorbell dinged and as they say, "speak of the devil and he shall appear", Naledi walked in. My heart instantly melted at the sight of her, my day was already made. She walked towards the counter with another woman that I had never met and I couldn't wait for her to reach me so I jumped over the counter and got to her first, pulling her to me and giving her a tight hug.

"Dante," she laughed, pulling away, "Okay, why are you being weird?"

The woman beside her seemed amused but I replied regardless, "I'm just happy to see you."

"Okay but did you have to jump over the counter," she laughed and I couldn't help but smile, she was so beautiful.

"This must be the infamous Dante," the woman spoke and I immediately froze. I knew that voice, I knew it and I knew exactly where I had heard it. I was sure without a doubt that she was the one who was with Sandile the day I had my episode.

"Infamous?" I said after a while, trying hard to ignore the thoughts in my head, "What are you telling people about me Naledi?" I let out a forced laugh right after.

"It's not people, it's just my best friend," she laughed right after me, "Dante this is Kimberly, Kimberly this is Dante."

"It's nice to finally meet you Dante," the best friend said and I smiled in return, saying nothing else to her. It was definitely not nice to meet her. Of all the people Sandile could've cheated with, he chose Naledi's 'bestfriend'. The dude was most certainly fucked up and I meant that in everyway, he wasn't going to get away with doing that to Naledi, not as long as I lived.

"Well we're here for the coffee and not you," Naledi spoke kissing my cheek, "I'll see you later okay."

They both went to sit at a table at the far end of the coffee shop and I stayed glued were I stood. I just couldn't believe it, maybe I was imagining things again.

"Why are you standing there like you just shit yourself," Khanyisa took me out of my trance, "Bro, you know what just go to the office. I'll serve them and come over there, you look like you got hit by a truck."

I didn't say anything, I just did what he'd said. Walking inside the office, the first thing I did was punch the wall. I was mad, I was hurt for her and I just wanted it all to be an imagination. It couldn't be real. Khanyisa walked in a couple of minutes later and stood in front of me, his brows furrowing. He clearly had figured out that something was wrong with me and he wanted to know what it was.

"Sandile is cheating on her," I said gritting my teeth. My hands balled into fists as it really suddenly sunk in, the one guy she was choosing over me was choosing someone else over her. Her bloody bestfriend. I couldn't let it go, I wasn't going to.

"Dante ---"

"She deserves more than that Khanyisa."

"Don't do anything stupid," he calmly spoke, giving advice I hadn't asked for.

"She said she loves him. She wanted him Khanyisa, she wanted him and what? Her best friend. I couldn't even bring myself to tell her he was cheating how the hell am I supposed to tell her this. She's gonna be hurt, he's gonna fuckin' hurt her and I can't let that happen. "

"Dante it's not your place to ---"

"To what!?" I snapped and then without any intention to, my voice broke and tears I didn't even know I had fell from my eyes, "I'm in love with that girl Khanyisa, I always have been and I can't let Sandile do that, I won't fuckin' let him."

"What are you saying Dante?"

"Nothing," I wiped off my tears. He wasn't going to understand, he was just going to tell me the same bullshit that anyone in his shoes would've said to anyone in mine. 'Don't involve yourself in their business' Fuck it, I was going to involve myself and my involvement was going to send Sandile to his death bed.

"Wait how do you even know that he's cheating. Dante what are you not telling me?"

"Nothing," I deadpanned. He was just going to judge me if I told him how I knew. Naledi had turned me into a stalker and I had let it get way too far, I knew it was wrong but I couldn't stop myself.

"Dante ---"

"It doesn't matter Khanyisa, it doesn't matter, just, nevermind I said anything," I said, "Tell Naledi I left. I'll call her later."

With that I left, using the back door so that Naledi wouldn't see me leaving. I was done with the whole Sandile saga and I was going to put an end to it. Naledi was gonna be free from him and we were gonna be together forever. Just me and her. I was finally going to make sure of it and I knew exactly how I was going to torture Sandile enough to get rid of him.

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