Chapter Sixteen

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My eyes slowly opened, the first thing I heard was movement and muffled cries. Everything was a bit hazy at first but after a few minutes I was able to make sense of my surroundings. I got up from the floor, cussing underneath my breath. Kimberly was awake and when she saw me her eyes went wide and she started moving about on the bed in an attempt to escape. When she saw it was useless she stopped. I approached her on the bed, I was a bit disorientated so my steps made me seem like I was drunk.

"Dante," was the first word she uttered when I removed the gag from her mouth. I didn't feel bad at all for the state she was in but at the same time I wasn't going to hurt her, Sandile was.

"Dante what are you doing?"

I ignored her and instead picked up a bucket of water that was there. I went to where Sandile sat and poured the water on him. He woke up with a start, almost jumping up but not doing so due to being tied to the chair.

"Wake up buddy," I said, dragging myself a few feet away from him. I was tired but I had to go through with my plan and finish it before Khanyisa came back.

"What's going to happen is simple," I continued to speak, my eyes moving back and forth from Kimberly to Sandile, "Sandile you're gonna fuck her."


He was clearly in shock but I had made myself as perfectly clear as I could. I moved to the table where the injections were. The camera was still running so I didn't have to set it up again.

"It's nothing new really," I said with a smile, "You guys are always fucking right?"

"Dante what are you talking about?"

"You don't have to pretend Kimberly. I saw you, I heard you, I fuckin' know."

"Dante ---"

They both spoke but I cut them off, "Shut up."

I approached Sandile with the injection and he started twisting and turning in his seat, "No, no, please don't, please."

His pleas made me want to do it even more. He deserved to be powerless. He deserved to be hurt.

"You're gonna fuck her and you're not gonna stop no matter what. You want to live right?"

"Dante ---"

Kimberly was about to speak but I ignored her, my eyes falling on Sandile, "You want to live right?"

"Yes, fuck yes, look ---"

"Shut up," I took his arm and injected him without a second thought. He tried to move, attempted to fight me off but he couldn't so he finally decided to be a good boy and let me peacefully do what I wanted to do.

I went back to the table, opened a drawer and took out a gun. Kimberly began to scream, Sandile was a bit out of it but he again attempted to free himself from the seat.

"Sandile is going to fuck you and when he starts fucking you hard I want you to say 'red'," I addressed Kimberly, "Shut up and listen to me," she continued to scream so I pointed the gun at her, "Shut the fuck up and listen to me," that did the job, she kept quiet.

"Did you hear what I said or should I do the honours of repeating myself?"

"Dante please ---"

"Shut up Sandile!"

Kimberly nodded her head, "Yes, yes I heard you."

"Good," I spoke as nonchalant as I could get, moving towards Sandile with the gun now pointed at him, "You said you want to live right?"


"I can't fuckin' hear you Sandile," I put the gun on his head, "You said you want to live right?"

"Yes, yes goddammit, yes!"

"Good," I couldn't help but laugh, "I want you to fuck her, and no matter what don't stop. Am I clear?"

He nodded his head as fast as he could. I put the gun in my hoodie pocket and began to untie him. He didn't know but I had injected him with something that was going to make him highly erect, he wasn't going to be able to control himself and that's all that I needed.

"Get up and go do it, I'm sure you know how to fuck," I spoke to him, taking out the gun again and pointing it at him.

As he moved towards Kimberly, I went and sat down on the couch to watch. Kimberly wanted to murmur something to him but the fool didn't listen. He was clearly afraid to die. He took off his clothes until he was fully naked and climbed ontop of the bed, Kimberly tried to free herself but she couldn't. I still didn't feel bad, they both deserved what was coming to them.

Sandile pulled her by the legs and she tried to fight him off but failed miserably. He took off her clothes as quick as he could and she too lay there naked.

"Sandile please don't," she pleaded with him, "You don't have to do this."

"Shut up," I said in a growl, "Why the hell are you acting like you guys have never fucked before?"

"It's okay," Sandile spoke in an attempt to calm her down, "Look at me, it's okay."

And with that he began to fuck her. Slow at first but eventually picking up the pace as the drugs started to kick in. He started to fuck her hard, and harder and harder. Kimberly tried to say something but his mouth fell on hers and he began to kiss her. It was obvious that it's not what she'd wanted as she let out muffled cries. He continued to fuck her still, roughly, faster.


It wasn't long before she let the words out of her mouth. My heart pounded as he continued to thrust with so much power and force, roughly pulling her to him. He wasn't in control anymore, the drugs in his system were. 

"Red, red, Dante, red."

She kept on saying continously and the more she said it the more I started to lose my mind. She twisted and turned just how Naledi had when Luvuyo was violeting her. She tried to free herself from the cuffs but she couldn't. I closed my eyes as my body began to react, shaking once again. When I opened them there was no Sandile and there was no Kimberly, the only people I saw were Naledi and Luvuyo.

"Luvuyo stop," I said but my voice came out low, I cleared my throat and attempted to speak again, "Luvuyo I said stop," still, my voice was refusing to come out loud.

He didn't stop and I felt anger course through my veins. My hands began to tremble, almost causing the gun to fall. Everything became red but still I could see their human forms. He was fucking her, harder by the second, impossibly violent.

"Luvuyo," I said trying to get up but I fell back on the couch. The room started to spin so again I closed my eyes. Naledi needed me. I urged myself to get up again and I staggered towards the both of them. After what felt like years I finally reached the bed and using the barrel of the gun, I hit Luvuyo on the head.

I didn't give him a chance to comprehend what was going on. I dragged him away from Naledi and before I could let my senses start working properly again, I began to beat the hell out of him.

At first I was hitting him using the gun. Naledi kept screaming but I couldn't hear what she was saying, I didn't care. I threw the gun away and started punching him. He didn't fight back, not even once. I punched and I punched and I continued to punch. Blood splattered. My fists started to hurt but I didn't stop, I didn't stop until his face was red with blood and he seemed lifeless.

"Dante stop!"

I heard Naledi plead. The pain in her voice caused me to stop. Heavily, I breathed. Taking in my surroundings and suddenly coming back to.


I looked over at the bed at Kimberly who was screaming and crying, then at Sandile who lay lifeless beneath me. It wasn't Naledi and Luvuyo, it had worked, my plan had worked. I had managed to fool my mind into believing we were back to that horrible day when I killed Luvuyo. I was about to say something to Kimberly when I suddenly began to vomit. The smell and the sight of blood were beginning to take their toll on me. I needed to finish this as quick as I could because if I blacked out Khanyisa was going to possibly walk in on all the mess. I most definitely didn't want that to happen.

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