Chapter Twelve

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I let out a sigh, tired as hell from standing around since nine in the morning. I just couldn't get the logic in opening a coffee shop from nine to five, it was just completely absurd and it didn't help that Khanyisa had been giving me a cold shoulder since morning. I knew the reason but I thought he was crazy for even getting worked up over it, it was childish behaviour. Atleast I had an hour left to close the shop. That meant going home to sleep and rest.

After finding out about Sandile and the other woman my mind just couldn't handle it. I was hurt for Naledi but I didn't think I had it in me to approach her and tell her the truth. It was going to tear her apart. The knowledge that I was right all along and the fact that she had been wrong, it was just going to hurt her. I was exhausted from overthinking and I knew I had to go to my therapist about the other issue that happened at Naledi's place but I didn't want to. I needed to be loyal to Naledi and going there would ruin that.

"Are you going to be around later tonight?" Khanyisa took me out of my thoughts. He gave me a stern look and I returned it with a blank stare.

"Are you talking to me?"

"Dude I'm looking at you, who else would I be talking to?"

"I don't know Khanyisa because you literally haven't been talking to me so...," I said with a shrug. He looked at me for the longest second I've ever encountered in my life before clicking his tongue and turning around to leave. He was just being dramatic.

As soon as he'd turned the doorbell dinged to announce someone walking in and to my surprise it was none other than Naledi herself and she was clearly drunk from the way she staggered in, a bottle of alcohol in her hand.

"What the hell?" Khanyisa was the first to speak. I jumped over the counter and approached Naledi. For the first time today Khanyisa had actually said something that made sense cause honestly, what the hell?

"Naledi are you drunk?" I know it was a stupid question considering the fact that it was pretty clear to anyone with eyes that she was indeed drunk.

"Nope," she burped, popping the 'p'. The few customers that were around were now watching in amusement and by the sour expression on Khanyisa's face, he wasn't happy at all.

"Dante get her out of here."

"She's drunk Khanyisa."

"Clearly," he rolled his eyes, "You know what, office, now."

As much as I didn't like his tone I did as he'd said, dragging Naledi along. I walked inside the office and he got in after us, slamming the door shut behind him.

"First of all, you haven't been coming to work for days Dante, days! And the one day that you actually come you drag your drunk ex in here in front of my customers."

"Don't be dramatic Khanyisa, she came in here by herself. What the hell are you talking about?"

"Dante," Naledi slurred but we both ignored her. She looked unattractive, being drunk certainly didn't suit her.

"I don't bloody care, she's here for you. Fix your shit Dante."

I stayed stuck where I stood after Khanyisa had left. I didn't know how to feel about Naledi but I knew one thing for sure, I was highly concerned about her. Had Sandile done something to her? That bastard.

"Naledi," I spoke as calmly as I could, approaching her on the office couch she was sitting on, "Baby what's going on?"

"I want you Dante," her words were a slurred whisper. If she was sober I would've been flattered but she was drunk and she obviously didn't know what she was talking about.

I sat beside her, taking her hands in mine, "Tell me what happened."

"I wanna fuck Dante, I need you, not Sandile, not ---"

"Naledi focus, you're drunk. Tell me what happened."

She stood up, staggering a bit. Her body swayed as she clumsily attempted to take off her dress. I stood up and held her hands to stop her from going through with it. Her eyes shot at mine, there were filled with pain and that broke my heart.

"You don't want me Dante?"

"It's not even about that."

"Then what?"

I let out a sigh. I already had a lot of things on my mind. The fact that Sandile was cheating, the fact that she didn't want me and now the fact that she was in here drunk in need of sex. For the first time ever I didn't want to fuck her. I felt sorry for her, she looked pathetic, broken, sad and all I wanted was for her to get a shower, get some rest and go back to her normal self.

"Why were you drinking Naledi?"

"I went out, me and my best friend," she said, burping right after, "Dante I'm sorry. I said, I said ---," and then she surprised me by starting to cry, "I said I don't love you but I lied. I was drinking and then I started thinking about you. I love Sandile all right but I'm in love with you Dante. I need you."

"You're drunk."

"I know but, but, but it's the truth."

I let go of her arms and she staggered back, momentarily losing her control. I looked at her, tears in her eyes, drunk, not looking like her normal self. I did that. She was that way because of me.

"I have to take you home Naledi. If you really feel what you say you feel then we'll talk when you're sober."

"I don't want to go home. Sandile doesn't like it when I drink."

"Neither do I."

She smiled, "But you love me."

I didn't answer her, instead I moved away from her and left the room. I needed to let Khanyisa know that I was leaving. Naledi needed me so I was going to take her to my place and take care of her. For the first time I was going to do something without the need to fuck her, for the first time I was doing it for love, for her.

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