Chapter Four

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Three days ago I kissed Naledi and she kissed me back. SHE KISSED ME BACK! After a whole five years I got to taste her lips again and god had I not realised how much I had missed them until then. It hadn't lasted long though cause she'd pulled back and tried to act like it wasn't a big deal but it was. I knew she'd felt the connection we once had spark up again the moment our lips met, if not she wouldn't have kissed me back.

That was days ago and today, well miraculously I had a date with her. Somehow for the past three days our reconnection led her to let me in and I took that as an advantage to take my chances with her. It paid.

I knew from the moment I kissed her that I wanted to fuck the living shit out of her but I didn't want it to seem like I was just some fuck boy who's after getting laid so I did something I thought would be special. It wasn't much but I hoped she would appreciate it, after all, it's not like I had done anything like this before.

"What's on your mind," she spoke, disturbing my thoughts. As I pulled up and stopped the car, her hand fell on mine and that forced me to look at her.

"Nothing, we're here."

She knew I was lying and I could tell that she fought the urge to roll her eyes. Instead, she said, "Dante, I want this. Don't think that I don't."

"Are you sure, I mean you have Sandile and ---"

"Right now all I need is you, so don't act like you don't want to do this, we're both adults right?"

I said nothing. We both stepped out of the car and headed towards my apartment door. My nerves were already getting the best of me and I was doubting if it was the right thing to try and pull the romantic card. I mean we'd agreed over the phone to fucking and not making love, we never made love so me doing what I had done would probably raise questions.

"Naledi ---"

I couldn't finish my sentence because her lips shut me up. She kissed me with so much hunger that convinced me she really needed to fuck as much as I did. Our tongues toyed around and she moaned in my mouth, arousing me. I pushed her against the door, my hands freely roaming her entire body. I wanted to feel her skin on mine, to kiss every inch of her body, to fuck her, to prove she didn't need Sandile's dick or anyone's for that matter cause mine was made for her. A fit perfectly made in heaven. She belonged to me, entirely, only me.

"Do you trust me," I said finally pulling away from her lips. Her eyes gently fell on mine and there were so dark with a lust I had missed so much for the past couple of years.

"Should I?"

"I need you to."

Her fingers played with the top button of my shirt, "I don't think I have a choice right now do I?"

"You always have a choice Naledi."

She unbuttoned my shirt, slowly, her eyes never leaving mine. My heart beat raced. It turned me on that she was taking control, that she was being the leader but I had other plans so before she could finish unbuttoning the shirt I stopped her.

"Wait," my voice came out as a hoarse whisper. I took a bandana out of my pocket and looked at her with an expression that asked for permission to do what I wanted to do. After Luvuyo, I didn't want her to think I was gonna do anything too stupid again.

"I trust you Dante."

With those words, I stood behind her and gently tied the bandana over her eyes. Then, I opened the door to my apartment and led the way inside. I hoped she would love what I had done. It was a new thing, something she probably would never expect from me, but, I hoped it would melt her heart.

"Keep your eyes closed," I spoke as I removed the bandana from covering her eyes, "Okay, open them."

Her eyes took in everything and it was obvious that she was in shock. Something in me told me that maybe I had went overboard with the whole roses on top of the bed thing and that suddenly made me hate the fact that I had done it in the first place. Naledi moved forward, towards the bed and picked up a few rose petals, when she looked at me I noticed her eyes had gotten teary.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah," she spoke, "I'm just, I, roses --- champagne, whip cream and chocolates, dim lights and rhythm and blues playing in the background," her eyes fell on me, "That's not the you I know Dante."

"I just thought ---"

"I love it. I love everything about the setup, it's really romantic but I, I'm not ---"

"Don't," I stepped towards her, standing next to her and trying hard not to kiss her inviting lips, "Don't say it."

"I'm not looking for romance," she said it regardless, her hands untucked the shirt she'd unbuttoned earlier and fell on my skin causing my heart to race yet again, "I need Dante. The Dante I know and trust me he knows nothing about romance, but fucking, that he can fuckin' do."

"Naledi ---"

"Just fuck me Dante."

I didn't wait to be told twice. I held her by the waist and tossed her on top of the bed. She fell with a gentle thud but before she could comprehend anything, I was ontop of her, my lips on hers. We both hurriedly tried by all means to take off each others clothes. My shirt was the first to go, then my jeans with my underwear and her, well, her dress was too complicated for me so I tore the soft fabric off of her and threw it to the side, removing her undies right after.

I took a breath, making space so I could look at her. She looked gorgeous. My lips fell on hers again but this time it wasn't a hurried kiss, I took my time. She kissed me back with as much passion as that which I gave. I moved to her collar bone and as I did she gave way to her neck, making me give it attention, reminding me of how much she loved neck kisses. As I gave it attention her hands moved to my hard dick and before I knew it she'd put it inside her. _Someone surely needed this as much as I did, if not more._

"Wait," I spoke with a heavy breath, "Naledi, wait."

"What," she sounded frustrated.


"Will that make you shut up and just fuck me?"

"Yeah, yes I promise it will."

"Then okay Dante, anything just to feel you inside me."

She sounded desperate and I loved it. But, what I loved more was putting it all on tape. It always motivated me to fuck her harder everytime so that when I watched the videos I could cum as much as I needed to.

"Oh, and Dante, I need you to tie me up."

"Naledi ---"
"Just shut up and do it, please."

I kept quiet, as told  and went to get what we needed to satisfy both our needs.

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