Chapter Seven

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"What are you doing?"

She paused a bit before answering, "I just finished taking a shower, now I'm applying lotion."

I knew because I was watching her but she didn't know that I knew. I watched her drop her towel to the floor, lifting her left leg and placing it ontop of the bed whilst applying lotion to it. It was a sight to see.

"Want help with that?"

"You sound horny," she giggled, "When are you never horny?"

"Its not easy to not be horny when you exist, so it's your fault that I'm always like this."

"You're crazy Dante."

If she knew I was ontop of the tree outside her apartment and watching her with binoculars she would've thought I was more than crazy. I did. I thought I was a psycho. I was about to reply when I noticed Sandile coming inside their bedroom.

"Uhm, I have to go," Naledi immediately cut the call, causing me to be a bit angry. Did she really have to cut the call. It's not like Sandile would've known it was me and even if he did and got hurt, who cared about his feelings or whatever. Oh that's right, Naledi fuckin' Nzimande!

I couldn't hear what they were saying. It made me want to install a bug in their room, if only I had access to it I would. Sandile took over and started applying the lotion on Naledi's body. It was obvious he's intentions were more than that. The bloody fool wanted to sleep with her and I hated it. I hated him.

After he was done Naledi gave him a peck on the lips and turned around to go and get something to wear from the closet but he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him. They both laughed. I didn't see anything that was funny so I rolled my eyes.

I wished I could hear what they were saying, it seemed like Naledi was liking whatever it was because her face had lit up and her body was giving in to his advances. My heart broke when she started to take off his clothes, I couldn't stand it but something in me wanted to watch so I did. When he was naked, he sat on the edge of the bed and she straddled him. I got a glimpse of his dick, atleast it wasn't as big as mine so that made me feel relieved. He could never satisfy her how I did and how I always would.

They started kissing. Naledi seemed to be in control. I liked that, fuck, what I would've gave to take Sandile's place in that moment. Naledi took his dick in one of her hands and put it inside her, throwing her head back and taking it all in. She didn't rush it, she rode it slow, taking her time. Sandile's hands fell on her ass and his mouth found comfort in her full breasts. It was a beautiful sight, so beautiful that my own dick got erect regardless of the fact that I hated the guy.

Naledi started to ride him hard and Sandile was thrusting from beneath her. Her ass was wobbling on his dick, her face covered with an expression of pure pleasure. His dick could've been small but clearly it was satisfying her in ways I never thought it could. I could tell from the shape of her mouth that she was moaning a lot, she was enjoying herself.

He suddenly lifted himself off of the bed with her in his arms and flipped their position, throwing her ontop of the bed. His mouth met her neck and he fucked her hard. Her hands were round his neck, pulling him close. He fucked her, and fucked her, and fucked her and the more I watched the more vigor and harder his thrusts seemed to become. He lifted both her legs up, exposing both her vagina and her penis. Naledi's head fell back, her hands took hold of the bed sheets and she moaned in pleasure. He flipped her to the side, fucking her from her back. I could see Naledi's face. Her expressions changing and shifting. Then suddenly I saw tears.

She was crying. He fucked her harder. She was crying and I wasn't sure if it was because of pain or pleasure or both, it didn't seem like he cared either.

"Fuck," I whispered underneath my breath, closing my eyes a bit to shut out the scene playing in front of me. I was horny but something else was wrong. It was suddenly starting to come back to me, all of it. The memory of Luvuyo fucking the living shit out of her.

My heartbeat increased and I clenched my fists. My breathing started to get heavy, I couldn't control my mind, all I saw was Luvuyo, all I saw was blood, all I saw was ---


Her voice filled my head, confusing me, angering me. Luvuyo's face in my imagination became Sandile's face. I was there again, watching, letting him hurt her, letting him fuck her.


I opened my eyes to see only red. Everything. All of it was red. My breathing became worse. My nostrils caught the scent of blood. I looked at my hands and that's what I saw, blood, lots of blood. I got scared. I wanted to scream, to run away, to stop it all, to breathe. I didn't know what was happening but deep down I knew watching Naledi being intimate with someone had triggered it. It couldn't be anything else.

I shut my eyes for what felt like ages and opened them again. Everything was surprisingly back to normal except ---

"You okay buddy?"

I was caught.

A man who looked like he was in his mid-forties looked at me like I had escaped from a mental asylum. I cursed underneath my breath, hoping he wouldn't make a scene cause that would alert Naledi and Sandile who seemed to still be having sex.

"I uhm, I," I tried hard to think of something as I went down the tree. His eyes took notice of the binoculars in my hands and he shot an ugly stare at me, "I'm sorry who are you?"

"Who am I? Who are you?"

"I'm Richard, Naledi's half cousin," I responded, ignoring his cold expression, "She asked me to look up the roof for something," I finished, indicating to the binoculars.

"Where's Naledi?"

"Work, she left for work."

He looked at me for a short period of time which felt like years but eventually he seemed to relax, "Alright buddy. I was just concerned. You seemed to be having a hard time up there."

"I'm okay, thank you."

He gave me a nod and turned to leave. I sighed in relief, that could've easily escalated into something bigger and I was grateful it didn't. I moved away from Naledi's place and made my way to my car. Dialling her number as I did, she didn't pick it up, of course she wouldn't.

"Fuck," I cussed, punching the steering wheel. I hated it. Naledi was mine, she couldn't be mine and be Sandile's at the same time. She couldn't be anyone's and if I hadn't made that clear to her then I goddamn surely was going to. It's like they say, "If I couldn't have her then no one else would."

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