We then cut to Republic city four Elements hotel with Bolin running in excited with Kuvira and her delegation as well as Lui following behind.

Bolin: Hello, Republic city. Bolin is Back

Said Bolin excitedly before noticing that Eska was also there which turned his excitement into disappointment. Eska then walks over to Bolin.

Eska: I see you've replaced me with a new girlfriend. Well done. She seems very threatening.

Says Eska while looking at Kuvira.

Bolin:Oh no, that's Kuvira; she's kind of my boss.

Eska: Boss, girlfriend, same thing.

That's when one of the hotel attendants walks over to Eska.

Attendant: I'm afraid there has been a mistake in your eminence; we have you and your brother booked in the same room with only one bed.

Eska: It's no mistake; Desna sleeps in the tub.

Said Eska before she and Desna began walking away. We cut to Varrick and Zhu Li who collapses from the weight of Varrick's luggage.

Varrick: I never thought I'd be allowed in Republic City's four elements. Raiko must have turned purple when Kuvira made him pardon me for my alleged crimes.

Zhu Li: You're an upstanding citizen again, sir.

Varrick: Upstanding is right. *whispers* Don't forget to fill the extra bag with as many of those little soups you can grab. love the lavender scent.

We cut to Mako and Wu walking in and Mako quickly notices his brother.

Mako: Bolin.

Calls out Mako getting Bolins attention. The two brothers greet each other by trading a mock punch before sharing a hug

Mako: Look at you; my little brother got all important.

Bolin: I know, right? I see myself in the mirror sometimes and think I'm in trouble before I realize it's only me.

Mako: So, what it like working for Kuvira?

Asked Mako while turning his gaze to Kuvira who was talking with Pax and Baatar jr.

Mako: From what I've heard, she's pretty harsh.

Bolin: No, I mean, she can be tough, sure, but we're turning around the Earth Kingdom like you wouldn't believe. You remember how bad Grandma's neighborhood in Ba Sing Sae was? All that's completely changed. I mean, we are really helping people, but what have you been up to? Fighting crime and busting the Tera Triads Chasing the ladies Mako style?

Mako: Well, I've been working for Wu.

Says Mako turning to Wu who looking at his reflection in the window fixing his appearance.

Mako: And, uhhh,yea.

Said Mako looking down that's when Lui walked over.

Lui: I feel bad for you.

Mako: Oh,hey Lui, how have you been?

Lui: Same as ever.

Bolin: So, have you seen Korra yet?

Mako: No, she was supposed to come in with Tonraq, but he says she left the South Pole six months ago. No one knows where she is.

Lui: So the Avatar went missing? I can assume that she still hasn't recovered from what happened to her here three years ago.

Bolin: And what about our golden boy?

Mako: Who? Free? Still no news from him yet.

Lui: I see. It looks like he's taking his time with his training.

legend of Korra golden boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora