Updates Going Forward

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Hi all!!

Before I delve into the more serious topic, I just wanted to sincerely thank each and everyone of you lovely people for reading this nonsense. It means so much to me, none of you even know. I appreciate it dearly.

Now, the reason I'm writing this little update is to say that when/if Bucky appears in the new Captain America film, EVELINA WILL NOT BE RETURNING. This is due to my own personal beliefs and some leaks done surrounding a new character introduced in the film that I've only seen today due to my distance from the MCU fandom as of late.

Sabra is a character used as a vessel for Israeli propaganda who personifies apartheid Israel and valorises the Mossad. In the time of the Palestinian genocide, introducing this character is a deproable and distasteful action that is only being done to boost box office sales through controversy and spread pro-Israeli propaganda, seeing as the character has no real affiliation to Sam Wilson or the Captain America mantle her place in this film is completely unnecessary.

I'm obviously going to boycott this film and most other MCU/Disney properties and therefore will not be continuing Evelina and Bucky's story despite my past intentions to. I urge you all to do the same and support the people of Palestine in this small way.❤️🇵🇸

-Sincerely, Bee.

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