Where's Harley?

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While Mark knew it was hopeless he still flew back to the apartment where the Joker was, however, he was no longer there just as he expected. What was worse though was that the man he had tortured was now dead. Mark had seen a lot worse when he'd fought his Dad but it still made him feel like throwing up, it did give him some comfort that he felt that way as he didn't like how callous he felt in Central Park.

Mark slapped his face and refocused before flying out of the window and up into the air "Mark where are you going?" Wonder Woman asked as she and her younger sister intercepted him. 

Mark sighed "Not that it's any of your business but I'm trying to find a friend, she took care of me after I was almost killed by Superman but now she's gone missing." He explained.

"Why did you not inform us, we could assist you in finding her." Wonder Woman said trying to brush past the comment about Superman. 

Mark chuckled "No thanks, you've got a dead guy in there that you should probably report." He said before shooting off into the sky and away from the amazons.

Diana sighed as she looked at Mark fly off, she had desperately wanted to try and get closer to him but seemed to fail at every turn, she owed him a lot and wanted to repay him in any way she could.


The sound of her sister's voice snapped her out of her thoughts and her gaze drifted away from where Mark had flown off to. Her sister had a sly look on her face "Are you enamoured with this man?" Donna asked in a teasing voice.

Diana sighed before flying down to the building to assess the situation "Oh you are? Just wait until I tell Mother!" Donna said as she laughed at her sister.


Mark flew across the sky at his top speed which he found had increased in recent months 'I guess there was a benefit to getting my ass beat so often.' He thought to himself with some amusement, he quickly arrived in Kansas and then at the home that Kara had made for them. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at the poorly repaired holes that had been made when Superman had tackled him out of the house.

He walked around his house suspecting the person he wanted to see would be there rolling around in the dirt, but to his surprise, she wasn't. He did give out an appreciative whistle as he saw how well his garden was doing, it seemed like everything he had planted was grown and doing incredibly. All the fruit looked ripe and delicious and the vegetables were bountiful, even the flowers looked amazing.

Mark then saw a familiar sight sitting at a tree that had a single golden apple spouting from one of its branches "Hey... Swampy?" Mark said unsure of himself as that was most definitely not the creature's real name "I just wanted to thank you for saving me, Ivy said you fished me out of the sea and brought me to her which you didn't need to do... so thanks." He said with an awkward smile.

The green monster looked up at Mark and gave him a heartwarming smile before reaching out and patting him on the head. Mark took that as 'No Problem.' And just returned the smile before heading for his house. Before he even opened the door he heard crying and he very nearly considered not opening it and just leaving 'Please let it be a sad film.' He thought to himself before opening the door.

The image that greeted him made Mark wonder why whatever gods existed had cursed him to live a life where he countered such crazy people. In the centre of the living room, Poison Ivy lay on the ground with a dozen empty bottles of wine as she weeped, she was also naked but that wasn't too unusual when it came to Ivy.

As soon as Ivy looked up and saw Mark she scowled before leaning up on her arm and throwing a bottle of wine at him, one he deflected away with a gesture "Come to gloat!!!" She shouted before throwing another at him.

Life can change  || Invincible x DCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang