Is This Real?

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"Hi..." Kara said as she breathed heavily her face looking up at his with a pretty blush.

"Hi..." Mark replied, he could feel her breath tickle his face and it was as if it electrified every nerve in his skin that it touched, he knew something was happening between them, last time they were both on an adrenaline high from their fight and did not have much self-control, but now they could both at least think... though not exactly rationally.

"I didn't know you wore glasses," she said to him, as Mark was wearing a pair of glasses that she hadn't seen him wear before.

"Umm I don't, I just thought it would help disguise me" Mark replied as he gulped, Kara still had him pinned up against the wall her body pressed against his.

Kara snorted "That's dumb there's no way that would work"

"Oh yeah? Then what are these" he said as he took Kara's glasses off.

"I would've thought Supergirl had 20/20 vision, Now who's dumb" He said with a smirk.

Kara narrowed her eyes "I'm not dumb! Those aren't normal glasses ass, they help me control my heat vision"

Mark snorted "Well listen, as nice as this little catch-up has been I need to leave, and I think you know why," he said as he felt his control slipping.

Kara growled at him as he tried to push past her, She pushed him right back to the wall cracking it, She placed her head into his neck and inhaled his scent, it was intoxicating, She felt even better than before now that she wasn't on a adrenaline rush from a fight.

"You can't leave..." she whispered to him as her lips traced his neck. Mark didn't know what was wrong with him, he'd felt a stronger attraction to women than he did before but it was nothing compared to how he felt when he was around Supergirl. His senses were a lot sharper than they were before and he could smell her arousal and she could likely smell his own.

Gritting his teeth he grabs her by the shoulders and pushes her away "Supergirl... can't you see something is wrong, This isn't natural" he reasons.

"Kara... my name is Kara," she said in a breathless voice, her voice sent tingles down his spine and aroused him even more than he already was, she started pushing herself closer to him, and he struggled to hold her back as she is a bit stronger than himself.

He chuckles helplessly "I don't think you should've told me that, aren't heroes supposed-" Kara kisses him on the lips and whatever words that were about to leave his mouth disappear as he goes from pushing her away to putting his arms around her back and pulling her in which makes her moan into his mouth. They held each other so tightly that if one of them was normal they would've been crushed.

'Why can't I control myself' Mark thinks to himself as his tongue battles with Kara's in her mouth, The sweet taste of her lips as well as a hint of strawberries can be tasted on her tongue, his hands roamed down her back tracing her taut muscles before it reached her plump cheeks.

Kara felt any resistance that she had built up in the past two months crumble to dust as soon as Mark touched her, she once again felt like she was hooked on a drug but she couldn't find any reason to think that it was bad 'It's just biology... it can't be helped' she thought to herself as she pressed herself tightly to Mark, he wasn't as strong as she was but he was strong enough that she felt pleasure every time he squeezed her ass. Any boyfriends she'd had in the past didn't even come close to making her feel this way, they were too weak so any touch felt like being brushed by the wind.

Mark couldn't take it anymore, consequences be damned. He pushed her away and his heart beat a little quicker when he saw the cute frown she had on her face "Come with me..." Mark said as he grasped her hand and took off into the air, in less than 10 seconds they landed in the backyard of his house. Mark tried to fish out his keys from his pocket but Kara who felt herself bubbling and reaching her boiling point would not wait any longer, she turned him around before kissing him once again and jumping onto him wrapping her legs around him.

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