The Green

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(One Week Later)

Mark opened his eyes as he woke up from his slumber, he looked out the window of his forest house and saw that the sun was high in the sky, he'd been sleeping till noon ever since he left Gotham which was something he'd usually considered a luxury. In Gotham life was a lot faster paced, plus in early morning you'd usually avoid the scum of Gotham as it seemed they didn't much like early mornings.

Mark got out of bed and stretched though none of his bones popped nor did he feel any relief when he stretched his muscles, he found that ever since his Viltrumite DNA had awoken his body was always in peak condition. That didn't stop him from stretching though, probably since Old Ted had beaten that into him.

Mark put some shorts on and walked towards his window, he pressed a button on the side and it folded in on itself opening 'Kryptonians sure make some wild stuff' he thought to himself as he jumped out of the window and floated down towards his garden. Ever since he'd planted his golden apple in the ground it's like everything he planted there became a super plant, while his garden was in no way able to match the beauty of the Garden of Hesperides it held nearly all of the same plants as well as his own.

While he knew that he cheated a little bit when it came to the garden he couldn't help but be proud of it, it all looked beautiful and healthy and it radiated an ethereal glow. Mark wasn't a person who'd say vegetables or fruit were his favourite but just looking at them in the garden he couldn't wait until they properly bloomed.

"I should go get myself another phone, need to see Kara," he said to himself as he finished watering his plants and heading back into his house 'Hopefully I can see her without big red and blue finding out' he thought to himself as he got dressed and put on a rudimentary disguise which involved a pair of glasses and a hat.

He quickly left his house before zooming off towards Smallville, he knew it was a bit risky but he hoped that Superman would neglect to search the small town as it was so close to home 'Hiding in plain sight is a real thing, right?' He thought to himself as he flew through the forest not going above the treeline.


"Kara! Dinner is ready, bring your friend down as well" Martha shouted from the bottom of the stairs before heading back into the kitchen.

"Okay, Ma! Just a minute" Kara said as she stood in front of her mirror without any clothing on, behind her sitting on her bed was her friend Kori who had followed her here from the Batcave, not that Kara minded, it was nice to have a friend with her, especially one that didn't think she had been raped or was currently out of her mind. Though she didn't know how she felt about Kori's obsession with Mark, perhaps it had something to do with her race like how it was with her, if that's the case she can't fault her for it.

"I think I'm starting to get fat," Kara said as she stood sideways looking at her body in the mirror, her small pert ass stuck out and jiggled every time she moved, and her stomach which used to be flat and taut with muscle had gotten slightly larger forming a small baby bump.

Kori stood up out of bed and walked behind her, she dwarfed Kara's 5ft5 form with her own 6ft4, she reached around Kara and grabbed her breasts which had started to grow "Indeed these have become much fatter" she said with a giggle.

Kara groaned and pushed her away "I'm serious Kori! What if Mark hates it" she said tearfully as she stroked her belly.

"Have no worry Friend Kara, I am sure Mark will find you as radiant as I do" Kori said as she hugged her from behind.

"Childbearing is beautiful, on my home planet it is a great honour to bear the babe of a Viltrumite" She said as she placed her chin on the top of her head.

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