Product #067

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'Donna have you got eyes on the stage,' Dick asked as he walked down the corridors of the palace with a tray in hand hoping that none of the workers there would question him.

'I do, though I will admit that I am extremely upset about what my role in this mission is,' Donna stated as she spun around and danced on one of the various circular stages that were littered throughout the crowd, once she entered the room she was grabbed by a matronly sort of woman and ushered up onto one of the stages to take the place of another girl who's shift was over. Not wanting to compromise the mission Donna followed her orders instead of bashing her face in 'I'm sorry Donna, if this were a normal mission we'd have more leeway but if one thing goes wrong then everything can blow up in our face,' Dick explained.

'I know...' Donna replied though she still wasn't happy about it.

'Do you have eyes on Connor?' Dick asked.

Donna spun around the pole in the centre of her small stage almost sneering at the leers she was getting from the people below her, but as she spun it gave her a good view of the room and she managed to locate Connor who was leaned up against the wall looking in her direction with a smirk on his face as he held up his phone recording her 'Im gonna kill him...' she thought to herself before she turned back around to the stage.

'I have eyes on Connor,' she confirmed.

'Good, can you tell me the direction from the stage where the products are being taken in,' Dick asked.

'They're being taken onto the stage from the left-hand side,' she replied.

Dick immediately turned on his heels and started walking in a different direction, to avoid suspicion he'd take the long way around the main atrium, once there they could start looking for the store room 'Megan go ahead of me, there's no point in me slowing you down,' Dick said to the green girl floating invisibly above him. With a nod she flew down the corridor making her way to said location.

Meanwhile, in the main atrium, something was happening, the products stopped being rolled onto the stage and instead, five people with sacks on their heads were brought on stage by none other than Deathstroke they all had a similar outfit to Donna which was hardly anything at all. "I'm afraid to say this but in an escape attempt, one of our finest products was broken," Bruno Mannheim shouted out across the atrium much to the booing and jeers of the audience.

"I know I know, such a loss will undoubtedly be felt, especially to my wallet," Bruno said eliciting laughter from the audience.

One of the people on stage was struggling greatly, so much so that Deathstroke kicked her in the back of the leg forcing her to the ground, the sounds of her struggles were audible and made those closer to the stage laugh at her expense "But let it not be said that I am not an optimist, for with every loss brings new opportunity," Bruno said grandly.

He gestured for the hoods of the women to be taken off and Donna almost gasped. While she only recognised three of them it was the identity of those three that shocked her 'Harley Quinn, Killer Frost, Giganta and two other unknown women have been brought on stage.' Donna informed Dick who was troubled by the news.

'Megan, is Mark still dark?' Dick asked.

"Yes, I've tried reaching out for his mind but I have to be careful as he might not be the only telepath here," she said with concern.

'Donna, what are they doing, so the audition continuing?' Dick asked trying to get a grasp on the situation.

'No something different is happening, I'm not sure what though,' Donna said as she paused dancing.

The crowd laughed as Harley struggled and shouted through her gag, though none laughed more than the people who knew her personally. Killer Frost and Cassandra both stood at their sides while Giganta and another girl who goes by Kate stood on each end. Harley had convinced them all that they could escape and while they had come close they were stopped in the end by Deathstroke and Ravager, needless to say, Bruno was not happy when he found out they had destroyed the last known vial of the Extremis virus that was in his possession. Bruno knew that even ten of these women wouldn't recoup the loss of what they had destroyed, it's a good thing he had an idea to recoup such losses.

Life can change  || Invincible x DCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora