Unintentionally Heroic

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Mark had followed Aresia and her companions outside of the city and into the forest, he was slightly pleased with himself when he saw they headed for the Atlas Mountains as that was where he theorised the garden to be the 'First smart thing I've done in a while' he thought to himself as he lagged behind them a little bit, he did walk in front of them for a while but he had caught them glaring at him a couple of times which made him more than a bit uncomfortable.

There was something off about these girls, he could guess they weren't entirely normal but he couldn't decipher what made them so strange 'Are they amazons?' He thought to himself but then he shook that thought off, Wonder Woman was the only person to ever leave her home, or that's what she'd said in an interview once. They were probably just people who wanted a shot at immortality, which Mark didn't care too much about, most immortals were probably dicks so if they wanted to live with them for company he wouldn't stop them.

"We are getting close," Aresia said to him in a curt voice not even turning around to look at him.

Mark raised his eyebrow "You know you girls look at me like I'm actual human waste, Now I know you're not from Gotham so what's your deal"

"How dare you speak to her like that you insolent-"

"Calm Myrina! He simply does not know his place yet" Aresia said as she cut her off.

Mark sighed 'Just get the apple and leave, don't make this into a bigger problem' he thought to himself.

"To answer your question male, it is an involuntary response, every time your gaze passes over us we struggle not to retch, so please try not to be offended" Aresia explained.

"I'll try..." Mark said with a stupefied look on his face, he supposed he was quite impressed how she could insult him while offering an apology. Though it was obvious why, she needed him to get the apples as she wasn't able to for whatever reason.

Mark decided to keep silent the rest of the trip, he doubted he could get much useful conversation out of them 'Maybe they are from Gotham' he thought to himself with a slight chuckle. However, he had to wipe the smile off his face when one of the women turned around and scowled.

They walked for another hour before they stopped "We are here" Aresia said as she pointed towards the bottom of the Atlas mountain which was just a flat rock wall.

Mark looked closer but he didn't see anything "I don't see anything but the mountain," he said to her.

Aresia just muttered something under her breath, it sounded a lot like 'stupid male' but Mark chose to ignore it "It will only show itself once the last light of the sun shines upon it" she explained.

Mark nodded his head in understanding before he went and leaned against a tree and waited for the sun to set. Though that was easier said than done he brought out his phone that he'd bought in Morocco and started to text someone, It would probably cost him a lot but when it was between that and making small talk with these women he'd rather go broke again.

Mark: Hey Kara it's Mark, how have you been? You've been away for a while, wanted to see how you were

Mark then put his arms down and waited for her to reply, he was kind of creeped out when he saw the two companions of Aresia staring intently at him, or perhaps at the phone he was using.

Kara: Hello Mark, I am well and it has indeed been a while since we've seen each other, perhaps you could tell me your location and we could engage in relations

Mark raised an eyebrow at the message, he'd spent quite a bit of time with Kara, this was someone else, or someone did a body snatch.

Mark: Who is this? You're really bad at impersonating Kara

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