A Girl in an old house

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Walking down the streets of Gotham a with red hair and pale skin carries a grocery bag. She had a grey jumper on with a jacket over the jumper as it was quite cold in Gotham this time of year; she rubbed her nose before sneezing and then continued to her destination. She decided to cut down an alleyway that would take her close to her home a bit quicker, she did this because, in one of her grocery bags, she had a warm rotisserie chicken that she didn't want to get cold.

"Stop right there missy..."

A voice said from behind a dumpster. A rough-looking man with patchy blonde hair and red sores across his face revealed himself. When he smiled he revealed rotted teeth —many of which had long since fallen out. "How about you give me whatever's in your purse and then bring that sweet little mouth other here," he said before pulling his tracksuit bottoms done and revealing a disgusting penis covered in matted pubic hair.

The girl's face morphed into one of disgust as the smell of the man stung her nostrils. She didn't stop walking and kept moving down the alley "Yeah that's right girl," the man said. Though he was completely caught off guard when she raised her hand and a pink light shot out of it sending the man flying "You're lucky I don't want my food to get cold or you'd be spending the night in a cell or Gotham harbour depending on how I'm feeling," she said as she stepped around the guy before and continuing on home.

Fishing out her keys from her pocket she opened the door to her apartment building before going inside and revelling in the warmth of it. Approaching the elevator she pressed the button and waited, a sigh escaped her lips as she saw Jim Dikes —her neighbour— approaching from behind her. "Reconsidered about our date yet Samantha?" The man said with his greasy smile.

Samantha rolled her eyes "I'm still 20 years younger than you Mr Dikes, plus I'm sure your wife wouldn't appreciate that," She replied drearily.

"What she doesn't know can't hurt her, and age is just a number baby," Jim replied as he got closer to her with a lick of his lips.

"Touch me and I'll make sure little Jimmy is down for good," She said as she looked at him intensely. Jim hesitated for a moment before turning around and heading to the staircase muttering something about being a cocktease. Thankfully the elevator opened and Samantha was able to get to her apartment without any further trouble though she sighed once again as she could already hear the crying coming from within.

As she opened the door she walked into a moderately entryway where she took off her jacket and hung it up. Walking through the entryway she made her way to the kitchen where a slim young Asian woman was standing in a tank top and shorts, she was slicing a baguette in half and buttering the insides.

"How is she doing Cass?" Samantha asked as she placed the groceries on the counter. Cassandra turned around to Samantha with a blank expression on her face before dropping the knife and signing something with her hand.

*Still Annoying*

Samantha snickered before she started unpacking the groceries and putting them away.

"CASS!!! Where's my chicken sandwich!!!" A voice shouted from the other room.

Cass looked up towards the door to the living room and Samantha saw her grip tighten around the bread knife that she had before she let go and continued making a sandwich using the rotisserie chicken. "Do you want me to take it to her?" Samantha asked. Cass nodded her head rapidly as she plated the food up for her. Samantha laughed again before picking the plate up and heading into the front room.


"Calm down Harley, I got your food right here," Samantha said as she appeared through the door. Before he sat on the sofa with tear marks running down her face and a moderately sized baby bump on Harley Quinn.

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