Getting Stronger

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Kara took her friend by the arm and led her back to her quarters on the Watchtower "Friend Kara, is everything okay? You seem to be quite agitated." Kori said as they entered her room and Kara sat Kori on her bed. Kara realised that she was quite agitated as her eyes were glowing red, she calmed herself down by rubbing her belly feeling her babies heart pulse through her hands.

She then refocused on why she was here "Kori you need to stop what you're doing with Mark." She said sternly.

Kori looked at her with a slightly confused look "What do you mean Friend Kara did I do something offensive?" She asked

Kara huffs "Every time you get close to Mark or even talk about him I can smell the arousal coming from between your legs, I could practically hear your vagina pulsing when you spoke to him earlier and even now this room is full of your smell." She complained.

Kori giggled brightly "My apologies Friend Kara I did not know my scent was bothering you so much." She said apologetically.

"It doesn't bother me... I just..."

Kori inspected her facial expressions carefully "Could it be you are jealous Friend Kara?" She asked as she stood up.

Kara crossed her arms and a sour expression appeared on her face, Kori smiled as she walked behind Kara and wrapped her arms around Kara "Are you and Honoured Mark engaged in a relationship?" She asked as she put her chin on Kara's shoulder.

"Ye-" Kara cut herself off before she could finish as she'd never really thought about what Mark and herself were to each other. The circumstances that brought them together were completely screwed up, and she didn't even know if what she felt was a result of her out of control hormones or actual affection.

"I'm not sure..." she ended up saying, Kori could hear the distress in her voice when Kara said that and so she hugged her tighter.

"Do not worry Friend Kara I will not attempt to steal Mark away, but I simply cannot help myself around him." Kori said wistfully.

"Everything I've heard about Viltrumites being heroes who only conquer planets to help them or to rid them of tyrants was proven untrue in the last few months." She said as she detached herself from Kara.

"It's as if finding out your childhood heroes were always villains..." she said as she wiped her eyes.

"So to find that there is one such Viltrumite that lives up to your expectations, I find it hard to control myself." She explained.

Kara sighed and gave her friend a smile "I suppose that makes sense." She said.

"I also want him to impregnate me."

Kara walked past Kori and left the room leaving Kori looking a bit confused.


"Why did you call me here?" Mark asked as he stood in front of Batman who was currently typing on a computer terminal.

For a moment Batman didn't answer him but after a while he stood up from his seat and turned around to look at Mark "I still don't trust you." He said bluntly to Mark.

However before Mark could speak he held his hand up "But it seems my judgement as of late is not reliable as your actions have shown you'll do what's right when it counts." He stated.

"Follow me." He said as he walked past him, Mark followed as he honestly had nothing better to do at the moment.

"Your father is free and I have to assume he has contacted the Viltrumite empire, when they send reinforcements then only a handful of people will be able to stop them, one of which is you." Batman stated as he walked with Mark.

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