(Chapter 11) Superior Part 5

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I could see Riser's teeth gnashing up against one another as veins formed in every section of his face. Bloodshot eyes stared back at me as he screamed bloody murder in his mind. Anger welled up like magma from the pits of his stomach as he forced himself to stand up.

Flames continued to spill out from his arm socket as his recovery was slowed from not only the damage he took, but the mental shock he suffered. Someone of his status was getting trounced upon by a single human being. No matter how much he got hurt today, it would all pale in comparison to the blow his pride took.

Finally, as he stood on two feet, his arm had finished regenerating. He wanted to say something to me, scream out curses and belittle me. But he couldn't. He knew everything I said was right, and that made him even more infuriated. Words were lodged in his throat as he finally gave into desperation.

He attacked with no plan in mind. Random blasts of fire and spells were launched at me, but I dodged them all without much effort. He was not only running low on magic, but stamina as well. He huffed, trying to fill his lungs with air, but to no avail.

As I shoved my knee into his stomach, he collapsed to the ground, struggling to inhale even an ounce of oxygen. He was pathetic. Even now as he stood up, I could sense his emotions. Not once did he ever think he would lose this fight. He still saw me as inferior, and that in turn, made me angry.

"I...am the immortal phoenix...! I cannot lose to someone like you!" Still misguided by his pride, Riser continued to struggle against me. I was honestly more annoyed at this point that he still couldn't see himself losing.

"I'd say it's about time we end this." While in his weakened state, I unleashed my blade in a flurry of attacks. I carved at his flesh, tore at his body, and injured him faster than he could react.

"I-I can still regenerate from this! Your puny attacks mean nothing to me!"

"Still prattling on, huh?" After tending to his fresh wounds, Riser turned to punch me, but I backhanded his swing with my free arm. His guard was shattered, and his chest wide open. It would be rude of me not to attack right now, wouldn't it?

Gathering all my strength into my arms and hips, I slash diagonally, splitting open his shirt and tearing apart his chest.

His blood pours out, sullying the ground before us as he stumbles back. But his wounds don't heal.

Riser grabs his chest with a shaky hand while hyperventilating. Crimson liquid continues to leak out with no signs of stopping.

"What's the matter? Aren't you gonna heal your wound?" His head snaps up as he stares at me. I grin coyly and start walking towards him.

"I guess you aren't immortal after all." His mana is nearing rock bottom, and he can't spare anymore magic to regenerate it seems.

For every step I take forward, he moves backwards unconsciously. I sense doubt in him as he starts to realize that the tables have turned. The predator has become the prey...no, rather it's more like the "predator" is finally realizing he was the prey all along.

"You...you bastard!" Riser screams at the top of his lungs once again before taking to the sky above. His wings beat down waves of heat as he gathers all the remaining mana he has into this last ditch effort.

White hot flames build up into a sphere around him as he releases most likely the last of his energy to attack me.

I follow suit and use Leap to jump into the sky in order to meet him head on.

Each of his spells are hefty and strong. They even seem to be homing in some cases and follow me around, but I have energy to spare. I fire off a blast of water or use my blade to cut through them and make my way closer to him. And for every step I get closer to him, I can feel his desperation grow.

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