(Chapter 5) Deal With The Devil Part 5

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My preparations were made. And as soon as I finished them, I dashed out the house once more. The moon had already made its way into the sky in the time it took for me to get ready, so I wasted no time in abusing Leap to get closer to the church.

What would have normally taken around 45 minutes of running only took me about 15 minutes of jumping. And with a heavy thud, I found myself at the entryway to the church.

Thick foliage marked my way as I entered the sea of trees. I clung to the shadows in order to mask my presence as best I could after I heard a few voices up ahead. After making sure I wouldn't be seen, I peaked my head out in order to see what was going on.

"Why the hell are we standing guard out here? It's not like anyone is gonna come out here to stop us. I'm bored!" A high pitched feminine voice complained about their station. Most likely Mittelt.

"It's because you two kept toying around with that human. Had you just done your job properly and killed him on sight, we wouldn't have to be out here." Kalawarner, ever the serious one, snapped back at the blonde girl who simply huffed and turned her head to the side.

"Still though, that brat was tougher than I expected. What kind of human can stand up to four light spears launching towards him at once? Most devils would turn to ash from the aura they produce alone." Dohnaseek grumbled as he tipped his hat downwards on his face. Whether it was to hide his shame or for something else, I don't know.

"Exactly! If he weren't so stubborn we would've been inside right now. If anything it's all his fault we're out here!"

"Make all the excuses you want, it won't change our current predicament..." The trio continued to aimlessly talk about me as I steadied my breathing.

This was my first obstacle in order to save Asia. I needed to get past them and into the church to put a stop to this plan. I was about to jump out the bushes and attack them, but I stopped myself. I needed to be careful here.

I summoned my bokuto from my inventory and gave it a once over. It was battered and chipped in numerous areas. An endless seam of scratches, dents and a few bullet scars littered the body of the weapon. It wouldn't last much longer. I can't rely on this weapon to beat them, so the only option I have left...is my fist.

My weapon was discarded back into my inventory as I looked at their positioning next. They were all high up in trees, perching there like actual birds. Without the reach of my sword, dealing actual damage to them would be a bit troublesome. I need to somehow get in close to throw down with them, but how?

I racked my brain for different ways I could get into close quarters combat with them, when I had a flash of inspiration. I should play to their pride.

In all my encounters with Fallen Angels, the most noticeable thing about them was their abundant pride in their status as a so-called "superior race". I'm pretty sure it's like that for any of the other races out there. They underestimate humans and look down on them from up on high. Quite literally sometimes. If I can anger them and make them get in close to take me down, I might stand a chance.

This is a gamble, just like earlier. There's no telling how they'll actually react to my taunts, but at this point, I've got nothing to lose.

...No, I've got a number of things to lose actually. I'll have to give this everything I've got!

With my resolve strengthened, I stepped out from the bush I was hiding behind and stared the trio down from below. The first to notice me was Mittelt who's eyes squinted in anger as she stood up from her branch.

"Hey! You're that damn human from before. The hell are you doing here?!"

"Birdwatching. I found a murder of crows, but one of them is loud as hell..."

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