(Chapter 5) Deal With The Devil Part 1

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Your POV

I wasted no time once I landed on the street below. Freed already kicked the door down, so as soon as I got stable footing, I dashed inside.

I could see his white hair reflecting the light in the room as he stood over the couple with a gun in his hand, his finger already on the trigger. My mind went blank as I summoned my wooden sword and lunged forward. In a swift motion I smacked his wrist before kicking him in the side of his stomach. The loud crash was enough to get the couple who was in the house to turn around.

"Get out of here, now!" I shouted to them, urgency in my voice. They were stunned for a second, their minds not having processed what was going on, so I simply shouted once more.

"Hurry!" My voice bellowed this time in the confined walls of their house.

A gunshot rang out, and my hair stood on end as I raised my bokuto to block the shot. Pain shot up through my arms as the bullet got deflected up into the ceiling.

"Hey, hey, hey, what the fuck is going on here?!" I could hear Freed swearing down from the hallway I kicked him into. The stunned couple however woke up and started running for their lives. Good, with them out of the way, I can fully focus on Freed.

From the dark hallway, I see Freed saunter out while dusting off his clothes.

"Who the hell are you?" He snarled, venom lacing every word that left his mouth. Instead of answering him, I simply took up my kendo stance and prepared to fight him again. He's already heard my voice at the church, and most likely just now. Last thing I want is for him to figure out it's me.

"Silent treatment, huh? What are you, some kind of vigilante?" Like a predator, he begins circling around me before reaching into his coat for something else.

Not wanting him to get any more weapons out, I jump after him again and brandish my bokuto. I aim for an overhead swing, but find my sword made contact with something other than his head. The barrel end of his gun stood in my way as he fished in his coat for something.

Again, I could feel my hair stand on end as I quickly moved out of the way. I felt something slice the air that I was just occupying, and in Freed's hand I noticed a glowing saber. A solid white light stretched out from a sword handle that he swung.

"Oho? Fast on your feet are you? With reflexes like that, you must be a devil! It seems tonight is gonna be a good night, I can put Asia through some nice training." Freed started to salivate as he licked his sword before lunging after me once more.

We locked blades in the center of the room, but I had the advantage in strength. He only held his sword in one hand, so it was easy for me to push him to the ground.

"Woah there! You're a feisty one aren't you?!" Catching onto the trouble he was in, Freed wasted no time in brandishing his gun next to my temple. My heart got caught in my throat as I stared at the silver barrel. I used everything in my power to move out of the way and managed to avoid the bullet from piercing my skull. A hole was blown in my hoodie, but that was far better than having it in my head.

I landed on the table the couple was sitting at earlier and noticed the same summoning slip that Rias's familiar gave me earlier. Good, looks like they didn't even have the chance to summon one of Rias's servants here. I won't need to worry about them.

"You sure have a talent for scurrying around. Just stay still and let me exorcize you already!" The barrel of his gun was aimed at me once more as he fired a hailstorm of bullets my way. I dodged what I could, and those I couldn't, got deflected by my bokuto.

Bullet holes were left in the furniture and wooden ground of the house as I weaved and moved to reach Freed somehow.

"Trying to get close and personal? Fine by me! It's a helluva lot more intimate that way!" Freed abandoned his current fighting style and suddenly charged into me like a mad bull. Our heads nearly butted with each other as our blades clashed once more. My muscles flexed as I pushed against Freed's sword, but a glint in his eyes made me regret doing it.

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