(Chapter 4) Holy Nun Part 2

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One of the first characters Issei was introduced to, Asia. I could never forget her. If it wasn't from the back angle I had while walking up on her, I would have recognized her instantly. I was half expecting the system to ping and alert me to a new character profile, but strangely enough nothing happened.


"Oh, sorry!" While lost in my thoughts, I had forgotten my arm was still wrapped around her waist. In a hurry I released her small frame and put space between the two of us. It was hard to tell, but I think her face had turned a light shade of crimson from the contact.

"Thank you very much for saving me earlier. I'm not sure how I managed to trip over nothing..."

"It's no problem." It is pretty impressive how she managed to fall over empty space. Maybe the wind was blowing hard enough to throw her off balance? It was nothing more than a fading feeling now but, when she was in my arms she felt almost as light as a feather.

And as if to mock my internal monologue, the wind happened to kick up at that moment. Asia's coif was swept up in the strong current, but with quick reflexes I managed to grab the white piece of her habit before it touched the ground.

"It sure is windy today..." I commented before handing the piece of her attire back to Asia.

"Truly, thank you! You seem to be helping me a lot today...I don't mean to impose but, could you help me one last time?" Timidly, Asia took my hand to retrieve her habit while asking a request from me. Apparently she had gotten lost within the town.

It was only then that I noticed the suitcase she was carrying with her. With how big it was, I'm guessing that's the actual reason she tripped.

"You're lost, huh? Where are you trying to get to?"

"I was recently assigned to the church within this town as one of its nuns. Would you happen to know where it's located?"

"A church...Oh, I know the one you're talking about. I go past it during my morning runs."

"That's great! I was worried I'd be stuck wandering around town all day before finding it." With a face beaming full of glee, Asia reached down for her suitcase handle, but I reached in front of her to grab the large object.

"Allow me. I think this is partially the reason you nearly fell into the ground earlier." With ease, the heavy luggage was lifted off the ground and carried by me. With another bow and thanks, the two of us started walking towards the only church within Kuoh Town.

The surrounding sounds of nature accompanied the both of us as we walked through the nearby park. I felt half tempted to ditch school for the day seeing as how nice it was outside, but I'd never hear the end of it from Miki and Gorou if they found out.

"I'm so glad I ran into someone so kind. This must be the Lord's guidance." I stopped in my tracks for a moment after hearing that phrase. It had brought back some memories from a while ago I had nearly forgotten.

"Is everything alright?"

"Oh, yeah. Everything's alright. You just said something an old friend of mine used to, that's all."

Confused, her head tilted to the side. I could tell she was about to ask more, but she got distracted by the crying sound of a young boy. Off in the distance, I could see him on the ground with a scraped knee. Asia took off, jogging to his side without hesitation before kneeling down to his level. Gently, she begins to comfort him by slowly stroking the top of his head.

"A boy like yourself shouldn't be crying over a small boo-boo like this." Her lips curved into a gentle smile as she placed her hands above his injured area. Two silver rings appeared on her fingers as an emerald green light flowed out.

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