(Chapter 4) Holy Nun Part 3

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The see-through screen floated before my eyes with a new mission for me to complete. I didn't even need to read the description to know what the quest was about, the title gave me all the information I needed. I vaguely remember Issei fighting for his life so Asia didn't get sacrificed, but I can't remember much else past that. If only I could watch the anime again to refresh my memory, but it's been too long.

"Hold on, this isn't the time to be lost in my thoughts. I gotta get out of here." Checking my surroundings one last time, I make sure I'm truly alone before sprinting off at full speed.

My vision narrows as I sprint through the trees, leaving behind a trail of dust, and as I reach the edge of the hill I'm on, I decided to put my latest skill to use.


Concentrate mana into your legs in order to increase jumping power. The more mana used, the greater the leap produced.

Cost: 10 mana on use, and an additional 10 per charge.

[Leap has been activated]

The air rushed past my face as I pushed off the earth and into the air. Wanting a swift exit from the church, this was the best solution in my mind.

I felt gravity lose its hold on me as I rose into the sky. But, as expected, gravity took hold of me once more in order to drag me back to the ground. I fell pretty hard on the concrete, but I didn't have time to cringe at the pain shooting up through my legs.

Once more, I leapt above the multitude of buildings that I normally would have had to walk through in order to reach the base of the hill we walked up earlier. I would only relax once I was a good few miles away from this place. And after a few more grueling leaps that no doubt would have wrecked the body of a normal person, I got away from the church.

"Ow, ow ow..." I rubbed my legs as best I could as I leaned up against a wall.

"Man, it's gonna take awhile to get used to this skill...I don't want to keep injuring myself every time I use it." It was an awkward skill to get used to, that's for sure. But, it's one of the many things I have that will help me in the future. I'll get the hang of using it eventually.

The pain soon faded from my legs as I looked up to the sky. My latest quest weighed heavily on my mind as I thought of what I could do to save her. From what I remember, Asia and Issei met another time after he got a contract from Rias to complete. He went into the contractee's home, only to find them dead. It was there he ran into Asia again, and both their true natures were revealed.

Most likely, whatever this trial Freed was talking to Asia about earlier is gonna be this. He'll "cleanse the heretics" and show Asia how it's done. If I'm gonna try and save Asia, I'll need to do it tonight.

"But, wait. Where was the house that they went to?" I had begun walking after getting feeling in my legs again, but stopped abruptly as I went over my plan of action.

I realized I don't even know where they're gonna be tonight.

"Not only that, Issei ran into her again after he went on a contract run for Rias. What if someone else picks it up tonight?" At this point in time, Issei was already reincarnated and with the O.R.C. members. I, on the other hand, have made zero contact with them. I sighed as I continued making my way to school.

"This is the thing I hate with diverging timelines. You start noticing small little changes like this, but soon enough, the difference will be so drastic you'll wonder where it all started. I guess this is the butterfly effect?" Not only do I have zero idea where they'll be tonight, there's also the possibility I could run into Rias or one of her servants if I do manage to find the house.

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