(Chapter 1) Awakening Part 4

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I stay silent in the car as I stare at the screen before me. I didn't think a chance for me to invest in my stats would come this early. But just as quickly as that excitement came, it vanished moments later. A thought occurred to me, one that's been bugging me for a while...

What would I even invest in?

These stats are, quite literally, going to change everything about me. Even if it's gradually over time, this is something I need to think about. How do I want to build myself? How would I want to operate in the future...?

I'm living in the body of Issei, so no doubt if things continue as they are, I'm going to end up getting targeted by the fallen angels. And even worse...if I'm not strong enough to take on Raynare when she shows up and I end up dying, Rias might swoop in and try to reincarnate me into her household. The last thing I want is to become a slave to that woman.

Name: Issei Hyoudou/(Y/N) (L/N) Title: None

Race: Human

Level: 2

STR: 1

AGI: 1

VIT: 1(100)

INT: 1(10)

SEN: 1

AP: 1

My stats stare back at me as a reminder for me to make my choice. I need to get stronger before something like that happens, but I can't just put my points in here randomly. I need to be smart about this. What's the stat I would benefit the most from...? As I started to think in the long term, my mind landed on the one thing that would really keep me alive. The sacred gear most likely still inside me, the Boosted Gear.

In order to fully wield this weapon, I would need a strong body to withstand the strain of forcibly increasing my strength. Issei's body wasn't able to handle it at the start thanks to his less than stellar physical strength. But, if I were to mold my body to become a proper vessel that could handle the multiple boosts I'd no doubt be doing, I wouldn't have the same weaknesses he would at the start. I could fight off Raynare before she even gets the jump on me!

The corner of my lips rose into a small smirk as the idea finally started to form in my head. My mind and heart were made up, and thus I turned back to my status window. Looking towards my stats, I invested into the one thing that would matter for now, Strength.

Name: Issei Hyoudou/(Y/N) (L/N) Title: None

Race: Human

Level: 2

STR: 2

AGI: 1

VIT: 1(100)

INT: 1(10)

SEN: 1

AP: 0

Automatically my numbers shifted to match my new stats, and a sense of accomplishment washed over me for some reason. I now had a goal in mind that I could spend my days until highschool training for!

"Issei!" The sound of Gorou raising his voice to get my attention aroused me from my focused state. I jumped slightly from my seat before looking around for him.

"Were you sleeping with your eyes open or something? We're already home so hop on out of the car." With a crooked smile Gorou spoke to me from the driver side of the car before finally stepping out himself. Guess I was deeper in thought than I imagined.

Sliding my smaller body over to the door and stepping outside myself, the brisk autumn air danced across my face, causing shivers to run down my spine. Instantly I wanted to retreat into the warm confines of my home, but the sound of another car pulling up fairly close to our house gained the attention of the entire family.

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