(Chapter 10) Promise Part 3

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My runaway tactic was accompanied by my hurried footfalls, along with the occasional clashing of metal behind and around me. The three knights were fighting at their highest speed, and had become nothing more than blurs for me. Kiba did his best to fend off both of them while allowing me to escape, but I knew he couldn't keep this up forever. I need to support him somehow, but if I just fire blindly into their struggle, I may end up hurting Kiba, or opening himself up to an attack.

A nearby wall ended up getting cracked as I saw Karlamine stand up before using the very stone she slammed into as a springboard to attack once more. It was then that I started looking closer at the walls around me. Scuff marks from shoes and metal boots started appearing at random intervals. Even if my eyes couldn't keep up with their movements, I was able to tell that they were using the surrounding walls and pillars as support to spring off at high speed.

I refused to simply leave Kiba behind to fight by himself, and instead, changed my course of action and ran down towards an open area. I found myself in the main school hallway, and opened myself up to attack, knowing good and well who would strike me first.

"It seems our good Lady has finally given herself up!" Siris shouted in triumph, finally revealing herself from her high speed battle.

"Lady Rias!" Kiba called out to me with worry before getting stopped by Karlamine.

"Your opponent is before you!" The two traded more blows on the high balcony as Siris waved her sword around like a master executioner before leaping down at me. She moved from pillar to pillar in hopes of increasing her speed, but that was what I was hoping would happen.

Another surge of magic enveloped me as I stopped holding back. Crimson black energy circled around me ready to do my bidding as I shouted towards Kiba.

"Kiba, jump!" Realizing what I was going to do, he didn't hesitate to jump off the side rail he was currently standing on, and as soon as I saw his feet get even an inch away from the structure, I released my true strength.

The stone and woodwork crumbled around me in a haze of red light, just as Siris and Karlamine realized what was going on. Their footing was removed, causing them to stagger for the briefest of moments. I knew that as knights, their speed and agility were leagues above normal, and they could probably just jump off the debris to gain better footing, but I sent out a second shockwave of the power of destruction to cause them even more pressure.

As expected, they moved to whichever large chunks of the building they could in order to get their footing back, but that too was incinerated by my powers, leaving them nothing to work with.

"Now, Kiba!" Since Kiba left earlier than they did, he was able to land on the roof of the building and launch off it. His blade cleaved an arc in the air that dispatched Karlamine first, causing a clean spray of blood in the vicinity. And as soon as he landed, he turned his sights on Siris next.

He went to strike her as well, but as their blades clashed, his weapon broke. The shards of Holy Eraser flew into the air as his opponent declared her victory. Or so she thought.

I fired another magic bullet towards her face, forcing her to block with the flat end of her sword. She smirked at me, believing my attack failed, but Kiba followed up my attack by creating another sword in his hand that easily cut off one of her arms. She screamed in pain at her lost limb before Kiba sliced diagonally across her chest.

"Two of Riser's knights, retired." Grayfia announced their defeat on the speaker, and a wave of relief washed over me. We won yet another skirmish.

"If thing's kept up at this rate, we might-" I was about to celebrate when I noticed Kiba was about to fall face first into the ground.

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