(Chapter 2) The Future Part 3

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As I left my shoes at the entrance to the dojo, I began taking my first steps on the hardwood floor. The cool sensation of wood punctured through my socks and nearly chilled the bones in my feet, but still I walked forward. The smell of oak wood and dust filled my nose as I took in the scenery before me. Bamboo training swords were lined up against the wall as training armor was placed on the few armor stands they had. The light of the setting sun flowed through the windows, illuminating the multiple dust particles that hung in the air.

Yuuichi and Sensei began coughing as they walked in ahead of me. Hands waving furiously to push away what little dust they could from entering their lungs and sinuses.

"When was the last time you cleaned here Sensei?"

"I-I thought you said it was your turn to handle the cleanup!"

"I handled the cleanup all of last week. I told you it was your turn next!"

Were these two always this quick to bicker with one another? Not even five minutes after their first argument and they're already back at it. Leaving the two of them to figure out who's turn it is to clean up the dojo I start browsing around the room. I got a feel for the handle of the sword, removing one from its holster. It feels pretty light in my hands, and as soon as I lift it up, a small window opens up next to it.

[Bamboo sword]

A training tool used in spars.

So the system is giving item information now? I guess you could amount this to an item description that you'd see after equipping something in-game.

"Oh. Already able to lift up a 400 gram bamboo sword, hm?"

"Yeah, they aren't that heavy to me Mr...uh."

"Tamiya! Tamiya Gantetsusai! I expect you to refer to me as either Sensei, Tamiya Sensei or Master when inside the dojo! I won't accept anything else!" His bulky shoulders bounced as he let out a boisterous laugh.

"Then...Tamiya Sensei."

"Yes, I quite like the sound of that! This one already seems to be quite promising." Tamiya began stroking his beard while nodding to himself.

"You can ignore him Issei...he doesn't get treated with much respect from everyone else, so whenever he does it tends to get to his head." Yuuichi whispered to me while adjusting his glasses to rest perfectly on the bridge of his nose.

"Eh? He's that hated around here?"

"Yes...Sensei is very loud and obnoxious as you can see. On top of that he can be pretty violent at times."

"Hey, Yuuichi! That's no way to talk to your Master! I swear, one of these days I'm gonna knock some respect into you!" Tamiya, after breaking free from his ego stroking, quickly jumped on Yuuichi and threatened him by swinging around one of the nearby practice swords.

"See what I meant?" Yuuichi gave an exasperated sigh before ignoring the constant provoking of our teacher.

"But, knowing all that, you still want to join the Kendo club? Forgive me for saying this but...that's quite odd. Most people tend to avoid our club because of our less than stellar reputation. Someone of your intellect would be better suited for a more academically challenging club, or even the student council. Why Kendo of all things?" Yuuichi's eyes behind his glasses stared at me with a strange confusion. Even Tamiya Sensei stopped whatever it was he was doing to give me a look of concern.

"Yuuichi is right. While I'm all for gaining new students, someone of your caliber would be wasted here. Why do you want to join in the first place?" There was a shift in his tone. Compared to his carefree and loud personality from before, he suddenly gained an intense aura. Deep marine blue eyes stared at me with a sharp gaze, as if he were testing me.

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